And the rain came down.... Plus AU Captain America fic - 'Trap-Neuter-Release'

Jun 06, 2016 02:31


Hullo, all.

It's the wettest, rainiest spring *ever*. I love it, but *man*. My basement's never going to dry out. My mint, blackberry canes, and assorted other things are thriving, though.

So, I talked in my last post about my Aunt dying, and about the recordings I had that I was listening to.

I made a little mp3 out of one of them. My dad and his brother Henry were talking about Elvis Presley, and not in a nice way! I think it's so funny, to hear them.

I wanted to embed the file here, but cannot for the life of me figure out how, so instead you'll have to dl if you want to hear them. It's under two minutes, a teeny file.

Starts with my Uncle Hank (Henry) talking about Elvis, then when the little bit of music ends, my dad (Duffy) chimes in with a comment, and then ends the file with another comment about Steve Allen's tv show.

Also, I posted an AU Steve/Bucky fic about Steve the cat-rescue/artist and Bucky the vet who loves cats. A pre-relationship kind of thing I intend to expand. It's only at AO3 - i'm being so lazy. Trap-Neuter-Release.

So there we go, that's all i got. :)

Originally entered at - comment where you please!

personal, avengers

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