Fic! Buffy 'verse. 'Reveille' - Adult, Spike/Xander

May 25, 2013 18:50

I have *never* been this late with a charity fic, and believe me - i hate that i am. I hit a writing wall so hard and so high, i didn't think i'd ever get over it.

I hope by finally finishing this, i've actually knocked the damn wall down.

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Comments 54

anonymous May 26 2013, 01:32:29 UTC
It is great writing and it flows really well but I don't know if I actually like it if only because I can't help but keep waiting for Xander to blame Spike or snap at him about the only reason he got into any of this can be all traced back to Spike. That Spike should have been happy to see him disabled/dying/dead since that was what he wanted ... so it just feels like this bomb that never quite goes off for me and I just can't see Xander being accepting of being a vampire. He never had time to really get into the shock/over the shock that he might be paralyzed for life (we actually don't know that he is considering we don't know how far into healing he's gotten and what nerves may come back online. Only you the writer know if he would have been able to walk again) but considering he's fine after being turned ... that seems to suggest the nerves were completely severed if being turned fixes it right up; and we know vampires can be crippled to some degree (ala Spike in the wheelchair) so yeah ... I would be more believable Xander ( ... )


tabaqui May 26 2013, 03:05:15 UTC
Well thank you, lj, for not notifying me of this. Is it because it's anon? Weird weird.

Hrmmm...interesting comment.

Xander doesn't blame Spike - he joined up on his own, he went through with it because Spike sparked an idea in his head and made him want to prove he *wasn't* a loser. It was a lot more about being hurt that Buffy and Willow had no confidence in him (supposedly) than following Spike's lead. So it really doesn't occur to him.

I struggled a bit with him being 'fixed' so quickly, but Darla was cured of terminal STD by being turned, so I figured it worked the same for other injuries/illnesses that occurred pre-bite.

Spike and Xander finding common ground and 'pairing off' has a very thin film of canon credibility, but is the staple of Spander fanon. And if you're familiar at all with my fic, you know I really don't do downer endings or character death (at least, not of these two).


shakatany May 26 2013, 05:20:18 UTC
What a lovely farewell story (if it is that - I hear muses are unpredictable and will come up with something when one least expects it).
It's hard to believe BtVS has been gone a decade now and yet it was so impressive that we fans just keep on being fans.

PS Have you seen the new Star Trek movie. I'd love to find out your take on it.



tabaqui May 26 2013, 05:56:23 UTC
The muse *is* fickle - you never know! It was such a battle, I don't want to make any promises.

But i'm glad you enjoyed it! Even after so long, these boys still inspire. :)

I don't actually like the reboot, so i haven't seen the second movie.


eyezrthewindows May 26 2013, 02:41:59 UTC
It makes me sad that you say this will be your last Spike/Xander fic ever. :( Great story and had the potential for something more in there because it made *me* want to know what happened next. It was only the beginning of this Spander tale and I wish you had it in you to go on. :)


tabaqui May 26 2013, 02:43:40 UTC
I hate to say it, too! But it took me a *year*, and i was so very blocked and stumped and just could not get into it. It sucks to feel that way. But i know the stuff i wrote in the past is still there, it's good...i have to be content with that.

Thanks for reading! :)


anonymous May 26 2013, 02:43:59 UTC
I have missed your Spander sooo much! It's so good to have you back, even if it's just for a little bit.



tabaqui May 26 2013, 03:07:01 UTC
Thank you so much! I still love the boys, just...dunno if i have any more stories about them. It *feels* like i don't. I guess, though, never say never, they say.


darkhavens May 26 2013, 03:00:29 UTC
If this is your last Spander, (and I know you said, but you never know if that muse is gonna come a-knockin' one dark night :P) I am very happy that it's one that is rife with such possibilities.

This Xander is older, more jaded and worn down by the ugly realities of life, cast adrift by his friends and now unable even to do his duty. And Spike is... exquisitely Spike. Chipless, 'soulless', and wanting someone to share everything with. And wanting that person to be Xander.

They're gonna bitch and snark and squabble and drive each other crazy for eternity.

*happy sigh*


tabaqui May 26 2013, 03:06:25 UTC
Heee. That's so true. It could come back! You never know.

Ah ha ha, it's lovely to have your insight - something that was *this hard* to get's hard to tell if it's any good or not, in the end.

So thank you so much! :)


outsideth3box May 26 2013, 05:46:34 UTC
I really loved this fic and I think there is so much potential here, it's sad that you feel finished with these boys. :(
But I was enthralled the whole time. You have such a lovely way with words and I envy that. Thank you for posting this after working so hard on it for so long. I'm so happy that you didn't give up on it.


tabaqui May 26 2013, 05:52:05 UTC
Thank you thank you, bb!

Well, as Darkhavens and others have pointed out, the muse is fickle. So never say never!

I really do love these boys still - it was so frustrating to want to tell their story and not be able to! So glad you're still interested in reading. :) Thanks again, bb.


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