Fic! Buffy 'verse. 'Reveille' - Adult, Spike/Xander

May 25, 2013 18:50

I have *never* been this late with a charity fic, and believe me - i hate that i am. I hit a writing wall so hard and so high, i didn't think i'd ever get over it.

I hope by finally finishing this, i've actually knocked the damn wall down.

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Comments 54

writan_bur May 26 2013, 07:10:50 UTC
This is the first new Spander I've read in a while (years, possibly), because most of the concepts around lately just don't seem to do it for me. This is so much like the old school stuff that got me into the fandom in the first place, and I'm sad to see it may be your last piece of Spander. Other fandoms just don't seem to do it for me, so seeing something by an author I love in my favourite fandom always makes me read it, and this really lived up to my expectation.

Thanks for working through that writer's block to finish and post it!


tabaqui May 26 2013, 14:54:27 UTC
Thank you so very much! I haven't read a lot of new Spender lately, either - i seem to be too distant from the fandom, and the newer stuff just isn't the same.

I was rewatching some episodes, though, so i think that really helped - got me back into the groove! I'd welcome any little Spander bunny that hopped my way, but we shall just have to see if they ever dare come around again.

Thanks again - so glad you gave an old favorite a chance. :)


thismaz May 26 2013, 07:57:08 UTC
Oh, Xander - cynical and hardened by experience and 'rescued' by Spike.
I loved Spike's occasional, recurring appearances and cat-like gifts.
The fractured telling of Xander's experience of war conveyed the highs and lows of it so vividly. His impatience with convalescence illustrated his total immersion into the life and the horror of paralysis was simply that - horrifying.
And yet, vampire Xander is still Xander - "This is so fucking disrespectful." *snerk*
They will be good for each other. They will bicker for ever and neither of them will get bored or lonely again.


tabaqui May 26 2013, 14:52:44 UTC
Yes! Hehe. Yes to all. Thank you so very much! I'm happy you enjoyed it. :)


postholedigger May 26 2013, 08:12:04 UTC
This was amazing. I really hope it opens up more writing for you and that some of it is Spander. I live in hope. I love the grit in your stories-Dogs of War is a constant reread-and how adult the characters are. I love how complicated they are. So, as I said, I live in hope.


tabaqui May 26 2013, 14:51:56 UTC
Wow, hi! So nice to see you again! One of my oldest readers. :) And thank you so very much - i rather love getting into the grit and dirt and rawness of real life sometimes.

Lovely to know old stories still attract, too - thank you!

I do love the boys so, i wouldn't dismiss a bunny out of hand, but we shall have to see if any ever come near me again, heh.


1000_egrets May 26 2013, 08:44:28 UTC
I squealed with joy when I saw a new X/S story from you! Loved the story. Loved Xander being wooed by a lonely Spike with candy and twinkies. And the last line sounds like Xander wants food. It seems there will be two vampires scarfing down hot wings and blooming onions before their blood. Thank you for the lovely treat your stories always are.


tabaqui May 26 2013, 14:45:56 UTC
Thank you so much! Spike always did know how to tempt a person.... :)


chaoskir May 26 2013, 10:22:38 UTC
I would love to read more Spike/Xander stories from you! I loved all of your fics. Also this one. You did a great job again. You are such a good author. Thank you for this heartbreaking fic. And thank you for all your fics. Loved them!!


tabaqui May 26 2013, 14:45:15 UTC
Thank you so very much! I suppose we should 'never say never', and I certainly still love the boys....

Thanks for reading for all these years! :) It's nice to know when i pop back up again, i can still please my readers. :)


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