Fair warning: this update is nasty even by Hogwarts Exposed standards. The author himself saw fit to put a disclaimer on there, and given how averse he normally is to warnings and content tags (contrast
these summaries with
Deserving's laundry list) that should tell you something.
Apologies for the delay. Again. )
Comments 64
If he's using Muggle methods, certainly not. Given how she only seems to be a month or two along, at the crudest, there's the coat hanger method. There are also medicines and herbs that can induce miscarriages, which were used even in the Days of Yore (example: the second season of the revival of Upstairs Downstairs). Of course, there's also modern medical technology that I'm almost positive doesn't involve opening the girl up at all, but this is Hogwarts Exposed. There's no way Neil would use something as convenient as THAT.
Incidentally, did you read the excuse he gave in his Yahoo Group, as to why it was so ridiculously hard for Amanda to get an abortion?
It makes a bit of sense when you consider the "100% effective contraceptive potion" that Hermione was irresponsible enough to not use before her capture in Hogwarts Exposed...
but by the time I was out of the stands they had already put you is stasis
LOL "stasis" only makes me think of robots -- It's the Transformer term for unconscious bots.
Oh. Right. Because it's a stupid story u_u
So many levels of messed up. So so many. I'm too tired to eloquently describe all the bad feels.
I also love all the sound effects that evil abortion leading witch makes. That was the only part of this story I could enjoy, though now I have to go scoop out my brain.
She reminds me of the "young crone" who takes Blackadder to see the wise woman in "Bells", so I had immense difficulty taking her scene seriously. The cackling and hooting was just the icing on the cake.
(The comment has been removed)
The wizarding world never struck me as THAT kind of old-fashioned in the books, though.
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