It just gets worse and worse.
Jamie glanced again at the head tables where the teachers were sitting, most of them, like the students, already enjoying the bountiful meal. Her gaze stopped on Harry Potter. Her mind was still coming to terms with the fact that he was going to be one of her professors this year.
If it hadn't been for him I wouldn't be here today. I would have never been born and most certainly not have lived to attend Hogwarts. He most assuredly has both given me my life and saved it.
Thank heavens for small mercies. I did honestly think that the author was going to reveal that Harry was a paedophile too (a lot of ppl in amerikan skoolz r lik dat I wunted 2 adres da ishu!) but no.
Thinking of Harry Potter, took Jamie back to some of the darkest times in recent History. Few in the Wizard World, knew of the existence of the detention camps, Voldemort had set up in the seventies. Their locations had all been concealed by very powerful charms. Even after the first defeat of Voldemort the Ministry had denied their existence. Jamie only knew because her parents had been prisoners in one. That's where they met and that's where they would have died had Voldemort not fallen when his curse rebounded off of an infant Harry Potter.
I can buy Voldemort having concentration camps, especially as the later books (after this was written) and
JKR's own comments went even further in establishing the parallel between the Death Eaters and the Nazis. It's not the same level of bad taste as Deserving
casually dropping in a reference to the real camps out of nowhere.
Jamie's parents had genuinely thought about naming her Harrietta in tribute to the boy who lived, but had mercifully gone with Jamie Lily instead in respect to his parents.
If they had, her Sueness would have been a little too obvious.
The day had been a dream to her. Wales had won and she had seen the 'boy who lived'. She didn't think anything could've spoilt the pleasure of that day.
The laws of narrative demand a "but" after a paragraph like this.
She was wrong.
Or that'll do.
The dream turned into a nightmare as the game ended and fans were departing the stadium. High above the pitch the Dark Mark, the sign of Voldemort, flashed in the sky causing the spectators to panic. Nine-year-old Jamie struggled to stay erect in the pressing throng of bodies, knowing that if she fell she risked being trampled to death.
If this was six years ago, it would have been 1997, three years after the previous World Cup. We're told that it's (like the real football World Cup) held every four years, though the history of it seems to contradict that.
Jamie could hear footsteps approaching. She knew it was the two men, but she was helpless she couldn't move. One of the men said, "Well look what we have here; its an early Christmas present. I'll unfreeze you, but don't try running. You wouldn't get far anyway and it would really annoy me. Finite Incantatum."
Jamie stood up. Her nose was throbbing and when she touched her face her hand became all bloody. She felt so tiny and powerless next to them. Both men were rather weighty, though one was taller and the other one just fat. The taller of the two spoke. "Let her go, she's just a little kid. We had a job to do. We did it. Now lets get the hell out of here."
"You never want to have any fun. Lets unwrap the package and see what Santa sent us." He pointed his wand at Jamie and shouted, " Nullus Vestis"
The author's favourite spell. And of course the Death Eater who stumbles across her just happens to be a paedophile, because we're all aboard the Angst Express. I know the Death Eaters are Obviously Evil, but that's a contrived coincidence too far.
Fatso gave a filthy laugh and said, "Come here sweetie you and I are going to have some fun." He reached out his greasy hand and pulled her tight against him, burying her face in his huge stomach. The repulsion inside of her grew and grew as he started to paw her body.
His partner just looked at him. "You're sick. Do you know that? She's too young; she's just a baby. You'll kill her if you try..."
Someone here with some sense.
'Cleanup up the mess!' Jamie thought as she kicked and bit fatso in an effort to get free. 'He's going to kill me when he's done raping me.'
How does a nine-year-old understand what's going on? Anyway, Harry comes out of nowhere and saves the day.
Now over six years later, her Knight in Shining Armour was sitting in front of her at the end of the hall.
It says a lot about this fic that I actually believed the fake-out at the end of the last chapter.
Madam Hooch has private difficulties that prevent her from being with us to start the year.
Yes, randomly and for no apparent reason attacking a girl in the forest. Why is her return even a realistic possibility? I don't buy "connections", not with Snape as headmaster, especially after what happened with Hermione. In any case:
Jamie escorted the girls up the spiral staircase and into their dormitory, staying to help them get settled in. She was about to depart when a timid voice called her name. "Jamie, may I speak with you."
Jamie went over and sat on the edge of the girl's four-poster bed. "What is the problem?" she tenderly inquired.
"Jamie, I'm frightened to close my eyes and go to sleep. I have these dreadful dreams and I sometimes wake up screaming. The other girls will think I'm peculiar and not want to be my friend."
I guess to be fair there are no psychotherapists in the canon Potterverse either.
There lying at the end of Jamie's bed was a tiny unicorn about the size of a small dog. "Oh! He's beautiful. Is he real? May I touch him?"
Jamie whispered in Caitlin's ear. "He's not real, but he thinks he is. Pureheart is a toy stuffed Unicorn that has been charmed to life. He has all the qualities of a real unicorn. As for whether you can touch him or not that is a decision unicorns make based on your purity. You'll have to let him approach you and see."
robot unicorn. Really.
Caitlin looked nervously at Jamie and then at Pureheart. Will a unicorn consider me pure after what happened this summer? What will Jamie think of me if Pureheart doesn't let me touch him? She'll think I'm some tart that had underage sex.
Now I'm not what you'd call an expert, but wouldn't this reaction make more sense for the victim of long-term abuse by an authority figure than a random attack? We're (mercifully) not shown exactly how it progressed, but she was left for dead. It's not like evil!Hooch was afraid of her telling anyone anyway, because she's got connections which apparently make her utterly immune from any kind of legal sanction for anything at all.
Pureheart was pawing at Jamie's pillow as if encouraging her to come to bed. "Where did you get him?" Caitlin asked.
"My dad bought Pureheart for me the year before I started Hogwarts. I was having bad dreams about a revolting guy who attacked me after a Quidditch game and tried to rape me. If it hadn't been for my 'knight in shining armor' he would have succeeded and in all probability killed me."
Caitlin looked at Jamie as tears came to her eyes. Someone I can finally talk to about what happened. Someone who will understand how it felt.
How very convenient.
"I wish a Knight had been there for me," Caitlin whispered quietly.
Jamie's jaw dropped in shook. "Caitlin, were you raped?"
"Technically I suppose some people wouldn't consider what happened to me rape, but it wounded me a lot more and the nightmares are just as dreadful."
I don't buy a typical twelve-year-old talking like this.
"Do you think Pureheart will let me touch him or am I soiled because of what happened?"
"I don't know how Pureheart will react, but you certainly aren't soiled. We can only hope. Come sit on the bed so he can decide."
She doesn't know if her unicorn is a total bastard or not. That's reassuring. The unicorn decides she's okay, because "she's a Sue and everyone loves her" trumps the angst this time. The next morning they go running, which is mainly an excuse for Harry to check out Hermione:
Harry couldn't help staring at Hermione. She hasn't changed a bit. The same pretty face and beautiful body. Her running bra and bicycle shorts left little to the imagination. Harry had a vivid memory of how Hermione looked when they were together. The perfect combination of beauty, personality and intelligence and I dumped her because I hankered after Ginny. What a fool I was.
Yay ship-bashing!
He looked at Jamie's face. It's amazing how much they look alike; they could easily pass as sisters.
His 15-year-old student looks like the woman he's got the horn for and this isn't disturbing in any way.
She walked back to Gryffindor Tower shaking her head. That was my first and last Prefect shower. After giving the password to the Fat Lady she climbed into the common room only to find it empty, as was the fifth year dorm. This stinks; everyone's already gone to breakfast. She quickly slipped on her clothes, grabbed her books and ran down to the Great Hall.
As she entered, Amanda saw her and waved indicating the seat she had saved for her. Jamie stuck up one finger indicating she'd be there shortly and then she went over to the first years and whispered into Caitlin's ear. "How did it go last night?"
Caitlin looked of at her with a broad grin on her face. "No bad dreams. I dreamed I was riding a unicorn."
Erasure playing in the background, no doubt.
Jamie and Amanada knew they were early so they took their time walking down the halls using the time to catch up on the summer events they hadn't written each other concerning. As they turned the corner they were startled to see seven first years from various houses except Slytherin floating in the corridor banging their heads against the ceiling. It was no shock to notice that Dick Bancroft the Slytherin Quidditch captain was the reason for the mayhem.
Dick the dick. How very subtle.
"I know your first name is Dick, but that doesn't suggest you always have to be one," Jamie said as she took out her ward, first doing a cushioning charm on the stone floor and then floating the students to the earth.
Even the characters think so.
Dick Bancroft turned to his flunkies and whispered, "You guys fancy a show? Watch this." He pointed his wand at Jamie's back as she walked away and....
Dun dun dun! If the spell he's about to cast is what I think it is, I can't see her being that bothered by the outcome.