Ficlet: Performance Anxiety (SPN RPS, Jared/Jensen, PG-13)

May 22, 2008 04:37

Title: Performance Anxiety
Author: syrenslure
Fandom and Pairing: SPN RPS, Jared Padalecki /Jensen Ackles
Rating: PG-13 ( Read more... )

actor: jared padalecki, actor: jensen ackles, slash, pairing: jared/jensen (cw rps), rpf/rps, fic, tv: supernatural

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Comments 22

lian_li May 22 2008, 16:28:26 UTC
*trailed here from otw_onlinecon) Sweeeet! (and very well-written :D!)


syrenslure May 22 2008, 20:58:58 UTC
Hi. Thank you. I'm glad you stopped by, and enjoyed. It's my first RPS fic, but these two are a lot of fun to write.


saavikam77 May 22 2008, 21:52:19 UTC
*giggles* ^_^ Awesome! I love 'surprise! you like it!' fics. XD


syrenslure May 25 2008, 03:33:03 UTC
Yeah, I never thought of it that way, but that is a 'kink' of mine too, or any of the 'we're just pretending, it's not real, it's no big deal' things that become 'omgwtf, don't stop' :)

Glad you enjoyed.


diurnal_lee May 23 2008, 01:09:17 UTC
Hee hee. Oh, boys. Nice light tone to their convo, especially Jensen's diffusingly casual assurances.

(Here via otw_onlinecon.)


syrenslure May 25 2008, 03:33:56 UTC
Thx and welcome. This piece was pretty much led by the dialogue, which just flowed. That's unusual for me, and I really had fun with it. Thx for commenting.


i. hate. you. vegawriters May 23 2008, 02:36:55 UTC
See. I was doing so good. I was putting my Mitzi/Rob RPF to the side and just letting my mind wander when I watch the imfamous Kiss (the way Rob's hand lingers on her belly ...) but see, I was able to do it because I rarely read good RPF. I don't even KNOW these two actors and it gets my mind a whirling.

I hate you.

Yes, well written. :)



Re: i. hate. you. syrenslure May 25 2008, 03:45:44 UTC
So - cool. I used to never think I would write RPF, but these are the two guys who star on Supernatural, and if anything are characters all their own. They are quite crazy together in public, even though Jared is engaged to another actress. I blame part of the explosion not only on the out there way that they act, but also the fact that their characters are brothers, so the in show pairing is incestual and especially squicky for some people, but this fandom tends to really push people's boundaries one way or another.

Also, I am going to keep teasing and playing with you until you DO write that fi. You know you want to.


Re: i. hate. you. vegawriters May 25 2008, 04:43:36 UTC
I TOTALLY want to. I HAVE the scene in my head where she goes into his trailer ... chewing on her thumb ... and tells him ...


Re: i. hate. you. syrenslure May 25 2008, 04:51:00 UTC
wasn't that right after he had married Josie, too?


allibeth1231 June 6 2008, 03:05:21 UTC
ooo i just stumbled on this community...and i reeeeaally liked your story! it was so cute and fun...:)


syrenslure June 7 2008, 00:20:19 UTC
Thanks. It was so much fun to write that it kind of wrote itself - hence the comment fic being over 1000 words.


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