Ficlet: Performance Anxiety (SPN RPS, Jared/Jensen, PG-13)

May 22, 2008 04:37

Title: Performance Anxiety
Author: syrenslure
Fandom and Pairing: SPN RPS, Jared Padalecki /Jensen Ackles
Rating: PG-13 ( Read more... )

actor: jared padalecki, actor: jensen ackles, slash, pairing: jared/jensen (cw rps), rpf/rps, fic, tv: supernatural

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Comments 22

elless18 June 6 2008, 03:12:56 UTC
That was adorable. I love how Jensen calmed Jared down. Very sweet.


syrenslure June 7 2008, 00:20:55 UTC
Thx. The boys just seem to relate to each other so well. I'm glad you enjoyed.


adhyra_19 June 6 2008, 04:17:30 UTC
Jared in "La Cage aux Folles"?
Jensen is damn right, he would be funny no matter what! LOL :))

And what an awesome first kiss!! *cuddles fic*


syrenslure June 7 2008, 00:22:52 UTC
Thank you. I don't know why that popped into my head, but it just worked as soon as it did :) Glad you enjoyed.


the_ladyj June 6 2008, 18:04:25 UTC
Oh so funny and adorable! Thanks for sharing.


syrenslure June 7 2008, 00:25:29 UTC
Thx for commenting.It was a lot of fun to write.


bubl June 6 2008, 23:54:27 UTC
Hee! I love the accidetal!gay :)


syrenslure June 7 2008, 00:24:16 UTC
Me too. I love when they are so close that they don't even realize how close until... wow!

Glad you enjoyed.


asher_k December 27 2009, 17:49:35 UTC
That is so, so unspeakably perfect. I love quick fics, but many of them just sort of gloss details and take for granted that things basically already are the way they're setting them up to be; you've got premise, nervousness, cockiness, and resolution crammed into one adorable story. Much love.


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