Dictionary - Part II

Aug 19, 2010 14:01

Dictionary - Part I Available at that link
Dictionary - Part II You're lookin at this one.

Title: Dictionary - Part II
Author: synergyfox
Disclaimer: Just own the witty comments and such... nothing else really.

And onwards to the severe amounts of crack and giggly-times... as well as self ed-ju-ma-kay-tion.

GO! *points down*


Anti-Cockblockery - Also known as Mord'Sith

The Story: Zedd tries to keep Cara and Kahlan from having sexytimes... Cara is obviously not going to have any of that so she unleashes her apparently unknown to Zedd Anti-Cockblockery badassery.

BAMC - Bad Ass Mother Confessor... to qualify for this title one must have the following necessary abilities:

Ability to rock the Assassin Ninja Confessor Traveling Dress.

Ability to withstand the most skillful touch of an Agiel by your Mord'Sith on your thigh to close a wound and not pass-out until afterward? *checks that too*

Ability to take on D'Harans and still have skill to take out an archer...? *nods and checks* Bonus for epic hair.

*counts repeatedly* Ability to dodge 4+ Dacra in one go (as well as keep the mount alive) *puts a check-mark next to Kahlan's name again*

Midlander version of "Spidy Sense." Seriously... it's a necessary thing to be a Badass Mother Confessor. There's no fighting it. Also gotta have the epic hair.

BAMS - Bad Ass Mord'Sith... lets see if Cara meets the qualifications, shall we?

Willingness to smack some sense into her Lord Rahl? *nods and checks*

Ability to rock the "Grr face" look while wielding and Agiel. *checks*

Mord'Sith Swagger (both a scent and a way to walk)? *checks it off the list*

Badassery when it comes to using Mord'Sith powers and such a good aim that the weapon shoots into some random Sister of the Dark's forehead (not shown)? *nods*

The "Buffy Complex" more comonly defined as "a serious refusal to remain dead." *nods*

Yup... Cara meets it... probably defines it.

BTW - By The Way

Darken Rahl has a great system for this! Seriously... see? Here he is, annoying Cara because he forgot to mention something

Doodads - An item of some sort... such as:
Let's see how serious I can be for once.

The Sex Toy Agiel

Dagger vs. Sword... obviously Kahlan wins cos she does the little flippy thing.

Sword of Truth this picture does not represent anything phallic at all. No ma'ams and sirs... not one bit.

Huh... I think I was pretty successful *nods*

Epic Proportions - Something that makes the reader (or viewer) go O_O (see Dictionary - Part I for O_O).
The Primary/Cold Saga by seven_3_oh currently 781 Pages (meaning a lot of Parts)
The Gift of Stolen Time by dark_kurai currently 24 Parts
No Fate But What We Make by ivanolix  will be 15 Parts
The Path by lurkete currently 12 Parts

Eyeroll - As defined by Cara

This usually occurs when Team Awesome doesn't listen to "Cara Logic."

They're just not listening. I think this was gotten by deej... a few of these actually O.o

Seriously... even the dead don't listen to "Cara Logic."

:O Cara taught Richard the eyeroll. Hell has frozen over.

Fail - This does not Win

*points with a laser pointer* This is not a win. Well unless you count Cara giving Leo whiplash and seriously bruising his lips, it is not a win. Because it does not have Cara giving Kahlan whiplash or any varia-seriously! I have no logical reason as to why I dislike Leo... just go with it... *shakes head*

This also fails... well just the pink headdress is really the only thing that fails. It's like she's trying to be the flying nun... but can't be bothered to be as badass as Sister Bertrille (Sally Field) but really can't manage *stage whisper* sorry hun, you're just not that badass.

FTW - For The Win... typically used in comments like, "Kahlan/Cara, ftw!"

*epic nod* This would be what is considered a "serious win" I even went so far as to use "air quotes," that is how win it is.

FYI - For Your Information

Darken Rahl has a very good method of delivering information even after death, as seen here to Cara's extreme irritation, annoyance... aggravation... [insert the word]...

.gif - A moving pretty! Sometimes pronounced "G-I-F" or "gif."

As defined by Denna. *swoons* Oh Denna... how I love you want your nose-scrunch.

Grr Face - Sometimes also accompanied with the sound "rawr."

*resumes use of laser pointer* Oh! And here Cara is.. displaying the face and the sound that goes with it...

ILU - I Love You (also seen as I<3U , usually seen as, "oh [insert character name having an emotional moment] ilu...")

Usually happens when things like this occur on screen. You wanna pause the screen 'cause your heart kinda breaks a little more (seriously, you don't feel sad when Cara's getting broken, you're just not human, I get sad and I didn't even cry when Old Yeller got shot or when bambi's mom got killed or anything like that but Cara goes and gets tortured? Sad feelings... Dahlia looks like a lost puppy? Sad feelings!) and you just wanna give Dahlia a giant hug and say "awe... I love you!"

IMS - Inner Mord’Sith as created by rhyfeddu and explained to me by chickinwhite as that Inner... "grr" inside of you but explained to everyone by...

 *gasp* Kahlan... what? Everyone has an Inner Mord'Sith somewhere.

Iz Ded - To be dead... no longer have signs of life... no vitals. Something fangirls (and guys) tend to experience quite often on communities such as lots_femslash (a daily occurrence, actually) and gleeslash. Defined by xixlovexgreenx.

Cara demonstrates... err... "successfully." *shifty eyes* Okay... so maybe... we may have told her to play dead... and when arguments came... we said play dead and think of Kahlan... the woman couldn't even school the smile on her face *head shake*.

Here she is a bit more successful at it... we tied her up and sent a vengeful ex-girlfriend after her... an unexpected wind change caused the arrow to hit Cara instead of Kahlan.

jpeg (.jpg) - A still pretty, for those of you who are curious... it is pronounced "J-Peg."

*points* A still... pretty.

LMAO - Laughin’ My Ass Off

Cara sometimes causes this reaction... especially when she waddles walks to Richard.

LOL - Laugh Out Loud

Zedd demonstrates as he lol's... or at least prepares to!

Pet - I had to add it in here again...  it speaks for itself.

RPSF - Rocket Propelled Shit Fuck... usually said in action flicks in which a rocket launcher is aimed at someone... can be applied to Legend of the Seeker in cases such as this:

Cara and Kahlan storm a Mord'Sith Temple. Cara wants revenge, the Mord'Sith see this. Thus... Cara is labeled the RSPF.

It probably went through Dahlia's head too... when Kahlan grabbed her necky neck. *Re-watches and nods*  Mmhmm... wide eyes... yup... definately passed through her mind...

Tag - How we keep everything organized, also known as "easy find mes,"  here is an example. The funner version obviously involves Cara!

Cara demonstrates by "tagging" a foe...

And by "tagging" Dahlia in the middle of a friendly game of "Mord'Sith Tag," give the girl a break. She likes playing tag. Oh oh... look there she smacks Dahlia's ass a bit.

Team Awesome - Originally comprised of one Mother Confessor, one Seeker and one Wizard of the First Order but after the death of one Darken Rahl and the backstabbery of a few Mord'Sith a sexy blonde Mord'Sith (with short hair and Mord'Sith Swagger) was added to the team. Then a certain episode happened... and Team Awesome became:

Kahlan with the SoT and Cara with her Agiels... *could watch this all day honestly*

TTYN - Talk To You Never

Nicci shows just how badass she is at this little notion. Mabye Rahlsies will get the hint.

"What Is This Fuckery?" - Typically asked when you don't quite think what's going on is very kosher... Dahlia demonstrates when responding to Darken Rahl's plan to break Cara.

 The definition is on the picture... click it... you know you wanna.

Whipped - When you really don't want to do something but your significant other tells you to... therefore you do.

Kahlan demonstrates just how whipped Cara is, I do believe the best part is that Zedd and Richard both know that Cara is just going to do it.

X3 - Facial Expression
Now... look at the .gif...

Imagine you're the bow...

Wait for it...




Look at it again...

Did you?

Your facial expression should mimic X3... therefore it has been defined.

Right-o so there's a whole 'nother page of words to go... but I kind of ran out of .gifs... so it's gonna be a while before the next update. I suppose that means time for Mord'Pups and other stories, right, right?

fandom: legend of the seeker, dictionary

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