The Mord'Puppy Chronicles - Chapter 1

Jul 27, 2010 05:40

Title: The Mord'Puppy Chronicles
Author: synergyfox 
Pairing: There's not even an easy way to list it all! Cara/Kahlan (main), Dennee/Berdine/Raina, Denna/Richard, Dahlia/Garen
Rating: PG-15
Warnings: Crack *looks around all shifty-like* lots... and lots of crack... and... snuggle/cuddletimes... and mush... *thinks hard* also... the inappropriate use of a tutu.
Disclaimer: Trust me... if I owned it there would be absolutely no serious-times and Cara would get Kahlan in the end. *flail* I do own the idea of Mord'Pups though!
A/N: x_x Sorry it's such a late post... Rome - Total War has sort of become a serious obsession along with plowing threw Spartacus: Blood and Sand for "research purposes."

Yes... yes the Mord'Pups are back by popular demand and the prodding of neutralhealer , individual_68  and freak_girl91

Side Note - Using TV Denna for Mord'Puppy!Denna

Sequel to: Prompt 4 - Wildlife Calls

Chapter 1 - Puppy Napped
Kahlan Amnell, Mother Confessor of the Midlands (and soon to be D'Hara with Richard stepping up as Lord Rahl), sighed as she slouched in the throne. She had been settling issues for the past six hours and it was beginning to rub her patience down (especially issues such as the last one with those damned goats). A tugging at her dress caught her attention and she leaned forward, smiling softly when she saw Cara sitting at her feet, looking up at her with those big, green-blue eyes.

She patted her lap, her smiling growing as she watched Cara back up, looking between Kahlan's lap and her current location. After a few seconds Cara took a running leap forward, successfully clambering onto Kahlan's lap (with a little help from the woman's hand on her behind). Cara let out a small yip and jumped up onto her hind legs, her front paws landing squarely on Kahlan's chest, attacking the Mother Confessor with a wave of licks to the face.

Kahlan arched her neck to the side, halfheartedly attempting to get away from the puppy's tongue, "Cara." She laughed, grabbing the corn-colored pup and lifting her up slightly.

One more lick connected with the underside of her chin before Cara settled down and turned around a few times on her lap, plopping down with a light thump.

Kahlan gently ran her fingers across Cara's back, straightening her posture when the door slammed open, a young barmaid from a popular tavern in town stalked in, gripping two pups by the backs of their necks. Cara lifted her head and let out a low, warning growl, baring her teeth.

Normally such an action would have been rather intimidating from the blonde, now however, Kahlan found it rather hard to hold back a chuckle. She did not have the heart to tell the pup that growls were not very intimidating from such a tiny animal, even if the animal was a Mord'Sith when human.

"Mother Confessor, this is the fourth time in the past two days that these two..." The barmaid thrust the two canines forward, her grip firm on the backs of their necks, their hind legs swinging, eyes downcast, "... animals have been found in my cellar indulging on ale. The edict is ridiculous, the terrors need to be put down."

Kahlan's eyes hardened, "Put them down." She ordered and the barmaid let the animals drop, they both scrambled across the stone floor, they knew they were in trouble, "The edict stays. How much was destroyed?"

"3 barrels."

"I shall see to it that you are well compensated for your losses."

"Thank you Mother Confessor." The woman bit out, turning on her heel and storming out, Kahlan's ears distinctly picked up the words "mutts," "meat," and "pretty penny."

Kahlan frowned, realizing Cara was no longer on her lap; she peered over to the left and bit back a smile when she saw the blonde puppy nipping at the other two puppies' heels as they rushed from the room. Both guilty puppies were fair in color and while it was getting easier to tell the others apart from each other, with all the blue-eyed, blonde D'Haran, Mord'sith now puppies... it was difficult to tell which blonde was which.

The exception obviously being Cara and Denna, the two blondes were easy to pick out as they were usually keeping the other Mord'Puppies (Richard's word for them had caught on like wildfire, everyone in the Confessor's Palace referred to the Mord'Sith as such) in order, reprimanding them when needed.

Kahlan sighed and slouched in her chair again, she only had but another two hours of tending to her duties before she could enjoy dinner and her evening.

Precisely one hour later her boredom was interrupted as her sister barreled in, skidding to a stop, her eyes wide, chest heaving, "Dennee?" She asked the brunette, brows furrowing.

The young servant girl that attended to her sister and her adoptive son scurried in, panting from the sheer effort of keeping up with the Confessor, "Mistress." The teen panted.

"Someone's kidnapped the pups!"

Kahlan's brows furrowed, surely she had not heard her sister correctly, "I'm sorry... I don't think I heard you correctly."

"Someone kidnapped all of the pups, Kahlan." She took her son from the teenager's arms, gently rocking him back and forth.

Her stomach churned and she broke into a sprint, running passed her sister and down the hall, calling for Cara and many other pups, but mainly for Cara. She barreled into and over Richard, her boots making contact with his body. She barely registered him grunting in pain as Dennee and her servant trampled over him.

A strip of dirty blonde fur caught her attention as she rounded a corner, she nearly fell over when she stopped abruptly; a pup was sprawled out on the granite floor.

Kahlan stooped down and lifted the unconscious puppy up, cradling her gently, "Dennee, call for a healer." She looked to her sister who's eyes were hard, jaw set as she nodded her head, "Bring them to my chambers." Kahlan felt a strong hand on her shoulder and looked up, feeling slightly guilty at the sight of Richard's sufficiently bruised face.

"Do you know which pup it is?"

"I think... Dahlia... but I'm not sure." She took a breath, "Get the Master at Arms, bring him to my chambers as well. Someone's kidnapped the pups."

"Denna?" He asked, his voice cracking.

"We'll find them, Richard." The Seeker of Truth, Lord Richard Rahl, turned on his heel and ran down the hall to find the Master at Arms.

Private Chambers of the Mother Confessor

Kahlan smiled softly as the Mord'Puppy came to and her almond eyes scanned the room, "Dahlia?" She asked, going off of her gut instinct, the small head snapped in her direction, Kahlan placed her hand on the pup's head.

"How are we going to figure out who took them... she can't speak." Dennee whispered, bouncing her son on her leg, the one year old gurgled happily and waved his hand around.

"She can speak well enough. We just have to ask the right questions." Richard muttered, sitting next to Kahlan, studying the puppy as the Master at Arms, Captain Adair, moved around the bed the pup was laying on.

Kahlan searched the puppy's eyes, "Do you know who kidnapped the other Mord'Puppies?" She asked, "Bark once if it is a yes, bark twice if it is not." Dahlia barked once.

"Do we know the one who kidnapped them?" Richard asked, standing, his hand gripping the hilt of the Sword of Truth, another bark.

Zedd moved across the room, a look of wonder dominating his features, "Were they allied with the Mother Confessor and Seeker?" Two barks, "They have been our enemy?" One bark.

Dahlia leapt off of the bed and flew across the room, landing a fair distance away, scampering for the royal closet, the rather large group followed, "Wow... so many dresses." Richard smirked and Kahlan rolled her eyes, watching as Dahlia made her way over to Cara's side of the closet, "You're already sharing a closet with her? I don't even share mine with Denna! I would have no room left! She went on a crazy shopping spree the minute I declared Mord'Sith did not have to wear their leathers if they were not on duty! I feared for the treasury in D'Hara."

"Richard... do you know how difficult it is to get Cara to be somewhat 'girly'?" She asked, going so far as to use air quotes, "Let along get her into a dress? Cara prefers her leathers and much simpler attire, besides..." Kahlan smirked at him, "Should I manage to be successful in convincing Cara not to wear her leathers for the next ball held in Aydindril, she can borrow one of my own and it will simply be fitted to her." Kahlan took pause when Dahlia came to a stop in front of Cara's leathers and her stomach churned as the Mord'Puppy tried to jump and grab the chain to one of Cara's Agiels.

She stooped over and lifted Dahlia up, gripping the Agiel in her other hand, "Mord'Sith?"

"But they were all turned into puppies." Dennee exclaimed, her eyes widening as she cradled her son.

Two barks.

Richard stiffened, "All of the Mord'Sith in Aydindril were turned into pups..." He breathed, "Not the ones at the People's Palace keeping peace... or the ones still allied with Darken Rahl."

One bark.

Kahlan scratched behind Dahlia's ear, "Do you know where they would have been taken?" Two barks but Dahlia jumped from her arms, landing on the floor almost ungracefully, tugging at an article of clothing belonging to Cara.

"You can track!" Captain Adair exclaimed, smiling when one bark sounded through the air.

Richard tapped his chin in thought, "Denna did mention that they were taught tracking..."

"To track Confessors down." The closet went silent for a moment as Dahlia bit into one of Cara's leather gloves.

Kahlan's arms shot forward, plucking the glove from Dahlia's mouth, "Don't do that! She'll kill you when you're all normal agai-oof." Dahlia slammed into her chest, burying her nose in Cara's glove, "Oh." She lifted her head, "Captain Adair, get the horses ready for travel."

"Mother Confessor-" He started to protest only to be cut off by an icy glare from not only the Mother Confessor but her sister, the Seeker, the Wizard and a puppy, "Yes, Mother Confessor." He bowed his head, the Council was not going to like this.

1 Hour Later

Kahlan bit her bottom lip as she forced her horse to slow its pace to a trot, allowing Dahlia (nose glued firmly to the grass) to lead the relatively large group. Richard, Zedd, Dennee and herself would have been sufficient, however, Captain Adair had put his foot down and refused to allow them to leave without a garrison of troops to escort them.

Hopefully they would not have to sneak up on the Mord'Sith and Darken Rahl, the hoof beats could be heard for a mile. She gripped the reigns of her horse when Dahlia shot forward, "Creator, she's fast." Dennee bit out and the group dug their heels into their steeds' sides, urging them to follow the small puppy as she barreled into the forest near Aydindril.

They quickly dismounted, it would be harder to follow Dahlia on horse through the forest; Richard was the first to sprint in followed quickly by Kahlan and Dennee, Zedd bringing up the rear. The garrison of troops grunted as they tried to keep up, making mental notes to improve their stamina in the near future; it wasn't a good sign when an old man could outrun the the Home Guard of Aydindril.

They continued to run for a few minutes, scrambling back when Dahlia went flying, her small, puppy frame crashing into a tree. Richard drew his sword immediately the weapon singing as he let out a battle cry, taking a running leap through the foliage. Kahlan and Dennee shot through soon after, daggers drawn while Zedd hurried to tend to Dahlia knowing full well he would be no help against Mord'Sith.

He did not anticipate the strike of an Agiel against his neck.

A dark haired Mord'Sith scooped Dahlia up and immediately set to the task of tending to the puppy.

The small clearing had a substantial amount of D'Harans and 9 Mord'Sith; Kahlan was going to have to talk to Captain Adair about expanding patrols if something like this could happen so close to Aydindril.

Kahlan let out an animalistic growl as sunk both of her daggers into the throat of a Mord'Sith, Richard sword was glowing white as he managed to decapitate a D'Haran soldier in one blow. Four rather large bundles were hanging from trees, dozens of puppies barking and paws pressing into the fabric, trying to escape. The garrison of troops finally moved in and set to fighting the D'Haran soldiers and Mord'Sith, Dennee sliced through three D'Harans.

A Guard slammed into a tree, his sword hitting the ropes holding the puppies up, "Richard! Dennee!" Kahlan screamed and dove for one of the bags.

As soon as the bags were on the forest floor and the puppies managed to get themselves out and untangled, chaos reigned.

Puppies were everywhere, biting viciously into the feet and legs of D'Haran soldiers and Mord'Sith alike.

She saw it.

A cluster of puppies broke free from the chaos and shot after a cloaked figure.

Kahlan rushed after them, carving a path of death as she did so, eyes focused on the four puppies chasing the man.

Zedd's voice boomed in the distance and the man tripped, falling face first into the ground, four puppies rained down upon him without mercy.

Kahlan reached him and yanked him up by his hood, her journey with Richard had given her an ear for battle and the one going on around her was slowing to stop. Richard had obviously managed to lead the Guard to victory; she ripped the hood off of the figure and gasped, dropping him.

Darken Rahl.

Her eyes widened and she turned to look at Zedd who frowned, scratching his nose, "Well that... wasn't supposed to happen..." He lifted his eyebrows, a Mord'Sith gripped his upper arm tightly, Dahlia tucked under her other arm.

Darken Rahl in a skin-tight pink outfit with a poofy skirt around his waist.

Even the pups were backing away from him.

"What did you do to me, Wizard?!" He screamed.

"It was meant to freeze you."

Kahlan pinched the bridge of her nose, hiding a smile, "Guards. Detain him." She crouched down and held her arms out as the guards rushed to detain the former Lord Rahl.

Dozens of puppies surrounded Dennee, Richard and herself; Cara pounced into her arms, tongue hanging out as Kahlan pulled her close, gently scratching behind her ears. Dennee pulled two puppies into her arms and Richard grabbed Denna, leaving Zedd to deal with the rest of the attention-hungry canines.

Kahlan lifted Cara gently and smiled as Cara leaned forward, pressing her nose to Kahlan's, a smile clear on the Mord'Pup's features, "Such a good little Mord'Puppy." She cooed, holding Cara close to her as she gently ran her fingertips through Cara's fur.

Dennee made a face as she lifted Berdine and Raina, "They need baths... they're all..."

"Mucky..." Richard muttered, frowning.

Kahlan let out a sigh, lifting Cara to look into the green-blue eyes, "And this was just the first day. What else do you have planned?"

Made by freak_girl91, she's just that bad-ass.
A/N: And then the rebellion began... no really... next time it's a rebellion.

pairing: cara/kahlan, pairing: denna/richard, fandom: legend of the seeker, pairing: dahlia/garen, fic: mord'puppies, pairing: berdine/raina/dennee

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