LotS Fic: Prompt 4 - Wildlife

Jul 07, 2010 02:56

Title: Prompt 4 - Wildlife Calls
Author: synergyfox
Pairing: Cara/Kahlan with a smidgen of Richard/Denna and Berdine/Raina/Dennee
Rating: T for Teen!
Warnings: Puppies and tummy rubbing.
Disclaimer: What's that Zedd? No I know I don't own them! Dolt.
Prompt: Well this one is number 4 in the prompts list... but technically it's number 22 which was hermionegmuggle's, next in line is 7... then 9... then 21.
Forgive the 3am brain... >_> this may be more crack than wanted... and I've no idea where wildlife actually falls in at...

"ZEDD!" The scream echoed throughout the Palace of the Mother Confessor, it was heard by many of the citizens of Aydindril.

Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander rushed towards the throne room, tripping over puppies of varying color and breed. At his side was his grandson looking extremely guilty as he stepped on a few tails and paws, getting yips and irritated barks. The two burst into the throne room, carefully stepping over and around puppies.

"What did you do?!" Kahlan exclaimed, carefully maneuvering around the canines, holding one protectively in her arms, scratching behind its ears absentmindedly.

Richard looked at her guiltily, "This would be my fault, Kahlan." He grimaced, tripping over a pair of puppies, one black and one brown, both nipping at his heels, "Zedd was teaching me how to do something... and... it looks like it... well..." He looked around.

"All of the Mord'Sith, Richard?!" Kahlan asked as the puppy in her arms yipped when her hand moved away, "Be good, Cara." She resumed scratching behind the puppy's ears.

Richard grinned down at the dog, "Awe, is that Cara? How cute!" He reached out to pat the fair-haired canine's head only to pull back quickly when Cara nipped at his fingers, "Bad." He bopped the dog on the nose, scowling, "Bad."

"Richard!" She scolded, pulling the puppy close with one arm and flicking Richard on the nose, "How do you like it?" Richard pressed his hands to his nose, grimacing.


She glared at him, "Then don't do it to Cara." He stared down at her chest, "My eyes are up here Rich-..." She looked down to find the puppy nuzzling her nose against her cleavage, closing her eyes, "Awe, somebody's a tired puppy." She readjusted the puppy, gently running her fingers through the blonde fur.

Zedd cleared his throat and bent down, scooping up the two puppies that were biting at Richard's heels, looking them in the eyes, smiling, "Well this is obviously Raina." He placed the puppy in Richard's arms, "And this is Berdine." He patted her head.

Kahlan sighed looked around at the rest of the puppies running around, "Zedd... you can fix this right?"

"Richard must correct this."

"What?!" Richard shouted and Raina growled at him, trying to leap from his arms.

Zedd sighed and grabbed Raina by the fur, cradling her in his arms next to a sleepy Berdine. Another puppy nipped at Richard's heels and the Seeker sighed, lifting the puppy up and looking into its eyes. He smiled and patted the top of its head, "Who's a pretty little Mord'Puppy? You are, yes you are." The entire room went quiet and he pressed his nose to the puppy's, smiling when the puppy licked his face.

"Is that... Denna?" Kahlan whispered, leaning over Zedd and one of the puppies in his arms nodded their head. She watched Richard for a moment before shaking her head, "You need to fix this, Richard."

That night she slept with quite a few puppies in her room, many of them vying for space on the lush bed.

Cara slept soundly on her abdomen, stretched out and comfortable.

Three Weeks Later - Throne Room

Kahlan scratched behind Cara's ears as the pup sat on her lap, tail thumping hard against her leg in approval, tongue hanging out and panting. Berdine and Raina were both lying on their backs, Dennee was diligently rubbing both of their bellies.

A young man walked into the throne room, followed by four pups, "Mother Confessor, the dignitaries from the Old World are at the gates or shall I escort them to one of the palaces?"

"Yes." Kahlan smiled, "And make sure they're comforta-" Loud cracks interrupted her followed by a few distant screams, her vision was blocked by bronzed skin.

She heard Dennee squeak and looked around Cara, grinning when she saw Berdine sitting on Denne's lap, smiling happily with her arms wrapped around the Confessor's neck. Raina was sitting next to her, nuzzling her shoulder happily.

"I like it when you rub my tummy." Berdine smiled, nuzzling Dennee's cheek.

"Mmhmm. Me too." Raina grinned nipping at Dennee's shoulder.


"Yes Cara?"

"I'm naked."


"And on your lap."

"I can see that."

"And there are dozens of naked women around the city..."

"As the screams indicated..." Kahlan lifted her hand slowly and scratched behind Cara's ear only to have her hand smacked away.


pairing: cara/kahlan, pairing: denna/richard, fandom: legend of the seeker, fic: mord'puppies, pairing: berdine/raina/dennee

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