TP Vid: Passenger Fever [Festivids '09]

Jan 31, 2010 19:30

Song: Passenger Fever
Artist: Go Home Productions
Spoilers: Twin Peaks / Fire Walk With Me
Size: 29.9 MB, avi
Download: here
Streaming: embedded

Summary: Fever isn't such a new thing. Fever started long ago.

Notes: I think I literally did a dance of joy when I got my festivids assignment because not only would I be vidding a fandom I'm insane about, but I'd be vidding it for someone I'm very fond of and someone who I know shares my interest in making Twin Peaks more screwy than it already is! sweetestdrain suggested this song and as soon as I heard it, I knew it would be perfect. It gave me an opportunity to play with the various themes of the show and explore them in a new light. It gave me the opportunity to do some interesting shipping. ;) Honestly it allowed me to play with all the effed up threads from the show that I found so incredibly powerful.

This one's for you, sweetestdrain! *hands you mindfuck*

Someone suggested that there should be a warning for BOB so there you go: RATED R FOR ROBERT. ("ROBERT IS MY PROPER NAME." -- BOB in the international TP pilot...which we don't speak of.)

~ The original anon gift vid post (with all that tasty nom nom squee -- thank you so much, guys!) can be found here.

Password: Wow Bob Wow

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Never know how much I love you
Never know how much I care
When you put your arms around me
I get a fever that's so hard to bear

You give me fever
When you kiss me
Fever when you hold me tight
Fever, in the morning
Fever all through the night

Sun lights up the daytime
And moon lights up the night
I light up when you call my name
And you know I'm gonna treat you right

You give me fever
When you kiss me
Fever when you hold me tight
Fever, in the morning
And fever all through the night

Singing la la la la lalalala
You give me fever

Everybody's got the fever
That is something you all know
Fever isn't such a new thing
Fever started long ago

You give me fever
When you kiss me
Fever when you hold me tight
Fever, in the morning
Fever all through the night

Singing la la la la lalalala
You give me fever

Check the tags and memories for more vids and other fun things.

fandom: twin peaks, vids: twin peaks, vidder: hollywoodgrrl, vids

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