Title: Of Another Time Pairing/Characters: Sylar/Elle (implied), Peter Rating: PG Summary: Too much time has passed and Sylar finds a piece of his past. Spoilers: Um, there might be spoilers if you hadn't seen the first half of Volume 3 A/N: written for drabble challenge #14 at sylelle_chall, not beta-ed so any and all mistakes are mine
Title: Cold Turkey Characters/Pairings: Elle, Elle/Gabriel, Claire Rating: PG Warnings: Language. Prompt: This @ sylelle_chall Summary: It’s been one month, seventeen days since Elle died, and she still feels dead.
Title: The Author Is Not God Author: superkappa Prompt: Challenge #14 at sylelle_chall Characters/Pairing:Sylar/Elle (sorta), Elle/Luke (implied) Rating: R Summary: Hundreds of years later, Sylar meets a reincarnation of Elle. Things don’t go as planned. A/N: This is one of the weirdest things I’ve written for a while, so I apologize for that. Thanks goes to dragynflies for
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The original deadline for drabble challenge #14 was March 31st, but as there are no entries so far, I'm extending it until April 14, 2010. I hope this gives people enough time.
So I know some people find the quotes a little hard to work with as prompts sometimes, so this time around, I decided to try something a little different. I decided to go with a picture prompt. I'm hoping that trying something different might help to bring in more activity. If nothing else, it's fun to try things that are new, right?
Title: Sugarcoated Characters/Pairings: Sylar, mentions of Sylar/Elle Rating: PG Warnings: Mild Language. S3 Spoilers. Prompt: "Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody." - Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger for sylelle_chall Summary: Sylar loves to tell stories. But there's one he won't tell.