4th blogcrew.

Mar 22, 2010 13:02

1. Animanga only (For f-list, you may request other than animanga :D)
*) I'd mistakenly posted this at certain blogcrew community that has nothing to do with anime. Gomen na, minna-san!
2. Unlimited claim. Since I'm too lazy to list the claimed ones :P
3. Please put 'Yeehaa!' in the subject line.
4. Please state your claim clearly, alright? Eg: Mr X/ actor/ Japan (This is just an example x3)
5. A little of patience is needed I guess? Please wait until your claim is approved first, then you are free to take the code.
6. Please don't change the code. You can just tell me if anything's wrong.
7. The pixels are taken from pixelpeach or to be specific sailorscout. Credits to them.
8. Continued from the 2nd rule, I won't make any list for this post. But please make sure your claim is approved first, thank you :D

Gosh, these aren't good enough to be claimed, honestly :( Again, minna-san, gomennasai!

「Claim Here」

is my star!

http://syarashin.livejournal.com/8872.html">http://pics.livejournal.com/syarashin/pic/0000ky9k" width="100" height="120" border='0'/>
「Claim Here」

is my star!

I don't have to check who the sender is
I'm 100% sure it's from
[Claim Here]

http://syarashin.livejournal.com/8872.html">http://pics.livejournal.com/syarashin/pic/0000q5ed" width="100" height="120" border='0'/>
I don't have to check who the sender is
I'm 100% sure it's from
Claim Here]

[Claim Here] and I
We both LOVE ♥

http://syarashin.livejournal.com/8872.html">http://pics.livejournal.com/syarashin/pic/0000rrqw" width="100" height="120" border='0'/>
[Claim Here] and I
We both LOVE

blogcrew: plant, blogcrew: nature, blogcrew

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