Fanfiction: Martyrs and Thieves

Nov 22, 2009 13:28

Title: Martyrs and Thieves
Author: Rainfallen
Summary: "I will not stand beside Loghain. And neither should you." Four years after Anora is crowned and Warden Loghain ends the Blight, there is a stir surrounding an unexpected arrival at the Grey Wardens' stronghold of Highever.
Pairings: Implied past Alistair/Cousland. It's complicated at the moment.
Rating: T
Warnings: Full game spoilers.
Disclaimer: Standard disclaimer applies. Dragon Age is the property of EA, Bioware, et al.

Link: Martyrs and Thieves

This certain-to-be-drama-palooza was inspired by the option of recruiting Loghain into the Wardens at the Landsmeet and the hissy fit Alistair throws before stomping off and deserting the Wardens on the eve of this huge battle. I felt it was jarringly out of character for Alistair to do the exact same thing Loghain did, and if I was generally very unhappy with the way this played out, I was insensed with the epilogue note describing Alistair as some mopey old drunk. And thus a story was born.

My first multi-chaptered fanfic in looong time! I hope you enjoy it. =)

media: fic, character: cousland

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