My Cutie Love 1 (Everything For You ~ chp. 6)

Jun 05, 2011 22:26

Title: Everything For You (chp.6)
Pairings: YamaChii
Author: Luciana
Genre: romance, drama
Summary : “Can you do something to me?” Yamada nodded. “Please,take care of Chii, nii-chan.” he smiled to Yamada. “How can you leave him like that?” Chinen cried . “Gomenne, Ryo-chan!” he cried.

“Nii-chan....” he called his brother again. “ belong to you. After all," he grimace.,"he’s not mind. He love you from.. the beginning, nii-chan.” his voice become slower, looks like it’s really hard to breathing now.

“It’s not true. We will know the truth when you get well. Ok?” Yamada hold his brother’s hand and still keep crying.

“Nii-chan....,” he said it more softly. Yamada come closer to hear what his brother want to say. “I’m glad when you, egh," he grimace again, "become my Nii-chan. I admired you for long time. But...” he cough and tried to beathing, “You...become-so-cold....when we become brother.” he tried to breath again. “You, hh, also hate my mom. I feel sorry, we have interrupted your life.” he whisper it. Tears also come out from Ryutaro’s eyes.

“It’s my fault. I should tell you that I’m glad too when you be my brother. And I’m so stupid to getting mad at you and let you go alone to that store whereas I know there’s too dangerous to being alone at those area.” Yamada grab his brother’s hand so tight and crying hard.

“Ne...ver mind...” he cough again, “about that, nii-chan.” he tried to breathing again. “It’s not your fault.” It’s blurred because of tears. He can’t see his brother clearly. “Can you do something to me? un,” his breathing was getting more heavy now. Yamada nodded. “Please,take-ca-re of Chii, nii-chan.” He smiled to Yamada.

“I’ll not do it. You’ll be ok soon, and we’ll hang out together. You, Me, and Chi. We’ll be together forever and ever, dehou?” he hugs his brother’s body who covered with blood. Ryutaro has gone and it’s just a dead body.

>>>>After Ryutaro’s funeral

“Ryo-chan.” Chinen call Yamada and come closer. He tried to comfort him through he also crying. Yamada feel like he has run out of tears after crying all night.

“It’s my fault.”

“It’s not yours, Ryo-chan.”

“I shouldn’t mad and let him go alone yesterday.” he go away from Chinen.

“DON’T BLAME YOURSELF, RYO-CHAN!” Chinen yelled and pulled Yamada’s arms tightly. “It’s not your fault.” he’s crying.

“How can you tell me that? YOU DON’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HIM!” Yamada yelled him back.

“I know,” Chinen sobbing. “I know everything about him.” Chinen crying hard.

“Ah ya, you know him better than me, his brother who live at the same roof for 5 years. You know him better than me because you are his lover. Yeah, how can I forget it?!” He felt something strange on his body. It seems he can’t breath normally. Then he go away from Chinen without care about what happend next.

“Ryo-chan!!” Chinen look at that sadness figure. He can’t reach his heart anymore. “Ryuu-chan baka, how can you leave him like that?” Chinen cried .

Yamada still blaming himself and suddenly he dissapear. He leave Chinen alone. It make Chinen get bullied again. Ryutaro died and Yamada was dissapear, no one can help him now. And everyone judge him for Ryutaro death. After 2 months he bullied by his senior, Chinen get depressed and comitted to suicide. He try to kill himself by falling down from the top of school building at afternoon. Luckily, he survived. But, he lost his memory temporarily. His parents take him away.

At same time, Yamada come back from his grandmother’s house after 2 months he vanished. He remembered about Ryutaro wish. He want to fullfil his brother’s will to take care of Chinen. But, Chinen has moved away from that town. Yamada always looking for him the whole time till he find out Chinen entered one of the famous school in town. He found him after one years looking for Chinen. He tried hard to entered that school too. But he failed. Then he go there in the middle of school years as transfered student without knowing if Chinen has lost his memory temporarily.

>>>>Back to the present<<<<

“Ryo-chan,” Chinen called his beloved and begin to cry.

“As you know, all of comics and games is belong to Ryuu at the beginning. I keep them as my treasure.” he still crying. “I felt so tempered when I saw you still can smile and completely forget about him. I.....”

“Ryo-chan,” Chinen called his love again.

“Till now, I never forgive my self. ” Yamada cried and hold his necklace tightly. “And..... HOW CAN YOU FORGET HIM??? How dare you....” Chinen suddenly draw his love to his arm.

“Gomenne, Ryo-chan!” he cried. Yamada can feel Chinen’s tears falling down and wetting his shirt.

A/N : I can't hold it on anymore >.<
Gomenne minna, you should read such a boring story with bad english on it.
Hope you enjoy this chapter too. Feel free to read and commenting, Jya ne.......XDDDThx for yume-chan......I'll fixed it up for you ^ ^ Arigatou ne....


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