My Cutie Love 1 (Everything For You ~ chp. 7)

Jun 06, 2011 22:40

Title: Everything For You (chp.7)
Pairings: YamaChii
Author: Luciana
Genre: romance, drama
Summary : “Yuri is in hospital right now. He got accident. Now, doctor checks his body to make sure about him. I......” Yamada hang up the phone. He run as fast as he can to hospital.

“Chii....” Yamada called Chinen who is still holding him.

“I didn’t forget him, Ryo-chan. I never forget about us, too.” Yamada shocked. His eyes wide open and look at Chinen with messy face.

“Actually, I still feel that it just happened yesterday. You as someone with cold attitude and Ryuu-chan who always complained about yours. I also remmbered when we hang out and smile together.” Yamada speechless. “It’s true I ever forget about us for a moment. It’s because I lost my memory temporarily.” Yamada didn’t know it ever happend to his cutie.

“So..... you.....”

“Un,” Chinen nooded. “I never forget every single thing we did from the past. And one more thing, Ryo-chan. Let me show you something tonight. Let we meet again in this park at 8 pm, tonight.” Chinen touch his love cheek so softly. “I go home, now. I’ll bring it to you then. Ja, ashita.” he kissed Yamada forehead, then he run away.

>>>> 8 pm. At park <<<<

Yamada was waiting alone for Chinen. It also 8 pm o’clock when he looked at his watch. He pick up his cellphone. No entries. No calling or message from Chinen. He still keep waiting. It’s not like Chinen. He never missed his promise or broken it.

15 minutes. He picks his cellphone again. No entries.

30 minutes. He pick it again, but he found it same like before.

45 minutes. Then become an hours. He looked at his cellphone, still same. He become worried. “Why don’t you call me if you gonna be late? Don’t make me waiting here, worried about you like the hell.” he said it to himself when looking to his cellphone again. But suddenly, he get a call.


“This is his sister, Ryo-chan.” said someone in the phone. Her voice so trembling and full of worried.

“Nee-chan?” he’s get bad feeling about this. “What’s going on, nee-chan?”

“Yuri.....” that word suprissed Yamada.

“What happend to Chii?” he tried to be calm, but he can’t do it. Every bad thing across his head. “WHAT HAPPEND TO HIM?” he shouted to phone.

“Yuri is in hospital right now. He got accident. Now, doctor checks his body to make sure about him. I......” Yamada hang up the phone. He run as fast as he can to hospital. He become so afraid about Chinen. The past incident memories come again to him. He remember about Ryutaro and his smiled before he died. He has lost an important person in his life. And he also lost Chinen 2 years ago. He won’t it happend again.

“Ryuuu, please save him for me!!” he talk to himself, hope Ryuu can heard him. “Save him! I don’t want to lose him twice.” he tried to run on the whole way to hospital. Every memories in the past come into his memories. There’s Chinen, Ryutaro, and himself. They laugh together through he just smiling. They hang out together. Shopping, playing, dancing and singing together. So much fun. Then, suddenly he remember about Ryutaro in critical condition. “Can you do something to me, nii-chan? Please take care of Chii, nii-chan.” He remember it clearly.

It take a few time untill he get hospital. He entered the hospital and go to receptionist.

“Can I help you, s......”

“Chinen Yuri,” he interrupted the nurse. “I want to know where....,” he’s gasping, “ he, now.” he talk to the nurse.

“Let me check it first.” the nurse pick up his book and look at the list. But Yamada think it’s too slow. He grab her books and looking for Chinen in hurry.

“You’re so slow.” he complaining her. The nurse also complaining him, but he completely ignored her. Then, he find it, find Chinen’s room. He run into it. His heart beating so fast, maybe because he run on the whole way or it’s because he worried about Chinen too much. He stop his step in front of one of many room in the hospital. He looked at the door. His heart beating become more faster. “Ryuu, please tell God, don’t take him away from me.” He’s praying. He looked at the knob, want to open it, but he’s not sure.

“Everything will be ok, Ryo-chan.” he said to himself. “He will be ok.” He tried to cheering himself. Then, he open the door. Something make his eyes wide open and looks like he felt to stop breathing.

“Ryo-chan,” Chii’s nee-chan called him at the first sight she saw him.

“Chii ~,” his voice is trembling now. There’s Chinen laying on the bed. His eyes was closed, too. He step toward Chinen slowly.

A/N : I made a lot of failures today, hiks >.< , my syndrome has come again to me
hope you still enjoy this chapter. *looking for my lolipop* 
Minna, feel free to reading and commenting.


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