Only Your Figure in My Eyes (Prologue)

Mar 04, 2012 10:07

Title : Only Your Figure in My Eyes
Author : switenana
Beta : hwangtinglee
Pairing : YamaChii, slight of TakaChii
Rating : NC-17
Genre : Fluff, romance, angst
Summary : Love isn't easy. It's pretty complicated. What it true love? Can it bought with money? How it feel actually?

“GET OUT FROM THIS HOUSE! AND DON’T EVER COME BACK AGAIN.” an old man yelled at his daughter. The only daughter he has. “HOW DARE YOU CHOOSE THAT BASTARD OVER YOUR PARENTS? YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING.” the old man is still yelling at her while her mother is sobbing hard and trying to hold her husband, trying to make him calm down.

“It’s enough honey” her mom tries to persuade her husband again. Their daughter just stands in front of them, not caring what her parents had said.

“Ok, I ask you again.” her daddy gets a bit calm. He took a deep breath. “Who is more important to you? Your parents or him?” he points to the blank space next to her, no one is standing beside her, but she knows who her father refers to.

“Dad, this is my own life. Can’t you just let me choose my own path, just for once.” she’s begging her father. “No matter what, I still choose him. I love him so much, Dad. I can’t live without him.”

“You~~~” she gets on his nerves. “GET OUT OF HERE!!! YOU’RE NOT OUR DAUGHTER FROM NOW ON” he yelled again.

“Fine, I will go.” the little girl said bringing her backpack with her. “I’ll never come back again. I promise you.” she leaves in anger. Her mother fainted after that. She never thinks her daughter will be reckless like that. That little girl so lost in her love and never thinks about the future. She never knows how hard life could be. What she only knows is her love to an artist, a young painter, the good looking boy and so popular among the girls. “Let’s get out of here.” she grabs the young man’s wrist.

“What’s going on?” the young man asked her.

“I just got into a fight with my parents. That’s all.” she faces him and releases his wrist. “Ne, can I live with you from now on?”


“I’ll not bother you or your job. Just let me stay there.”

“Ok,” reply the young man spontaneous.

No one knows what will happen to the girl. She’s really so in love and blind because of it. She even dares to leave her parents and all of her wealth. She didn’t know how cruel the world is. She didn’t know anything. She is just a little girl, the labile one, still too young, and just wants to have more fun with her life.

>>>A month later

“Hey man, you have to pay the rent, or I’ll kick you out.” said the owner to a messy boy. His body full of paint but the owner doesn’t care about it.

“Just give me a few more hours, sweetie. I will get my money today. Someone will buy my painting this afternoon. I’ll pay you after that.” said the young boy. His browned hair was so messy. No one can see him live a normal life, and no girls around him because of his appearance. So messy, full of paint and smell like paint, with the loose shirt, pallid face and panda eyes, well…..he has such big bags under his eyes. Totally looks like a crazy person.

“I’ll wait for it.”

“Nah~~~, don’t wait for it. Just give me more hours this time. I always pay you on time, don’t I?” he persuades the owner, the black fat woman in her long house dress and some rollers in her hair. “Ne, if I don’t pay you tonight, then I’ll meet you tomorrow morning. If I still don’t pay you till tomorrow, you can kick me out. Ok?”


“Please, sweetie. I never break the rules, do I?” he begs her.

“Ok, I’ll give you more time this time.” said the owner and goes away fuming. The boy just sighs and goes inside. The big room has two special rooms, one of them is his special base, his secret place and no one gets permission to touch or goes inside the room besides him.

The boy sighs again, “Well, maybe I should call the costumer to change the appointment time to be earlier.” he talked to himself. He picks up his cell phone and called his customer. The appointment was changed and now he should go to the nearby café to meet the customer. He goes there with a big painting, meets his customer then plans to go home early. But, suddenly he found someone who got his attention. A messy girl, she is wet because of the rain and looks so depressed. Yeah, it’s just the beginning.

A/N : minna....gomen na, I really feel so guilty to all of you
I'm so busy right now, so I don't know when I can post my fics
for sure....I'm sorry to all of you
this time....maybe I only can share one chapter a week
as long as I can do that
gomen na
and I hope you don't mind to forgive me *bowed*
I hope you can enjoy this fics
I miss all of you guys *hug*


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