podfic: it should follow, you know this (like the panels of a comic strip)

Mar 11, 2012 03:30

Title: it should follow, you know this (like the panels of a comic strip)
Author: gyzym
Reader: swiiftly
Fandom: The Avengers
Pairing: Steve/Tony
Rating: PG-13
Runtime: 7:25

Summary: Four, eleven, fifteen, twenty-one, thirty-six, forty, as old as he's always been, too young, and everyone knows Tony Stark.

Mediafire link: MP3

Notes: Surprise Avengers podfic! podklb is leading me in a not-so-secret-anymore podfic mission, and here are the first results of that. I love the style of this fic so so much, the rhythm of it, the repetition, it's the kind of thing that I get so caught up in when I read aloud, and that's one of the joys I've found in making podfic, creating something that makes me feel the words in a different way. So I hope that comes across for anyone who listens! gyzym is amazing with her words, and I'm super glad I got to spend time with them. Yay!


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