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Comments 8

forensicirulan January 20 2009, 18:20:44 UTC
It was the closest to Heaven to they would ever be and they did not want to leave.

You, you put me in a similar state right now. I just.. I want to keep re-reading it, fall into this dream and never wake up. My God. You wrote it. You wrote it. Helen drifting off to sleep with the one person she will always love, and it is all perfect and their hands are clasped and they entangled their legs and he kissed her head and he said I’ve always loved you.
*sniffles* My God. beautiful. Perfect. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. *squeezes* You are so amazing.


sweetveritas January 20 2009, 18:23:04 UTC
*squee* ♥♥♥

I am so so so so so so so so *breathes* so so so so so so so happy and full of love that you like it!!!!!!! *SQUISHES*


forensicirulan January 20 2009, 18:34:49 UTC
*HUGS YOU* GOSH. ♥ I love you. A lot.


sweetveritas January 20 2009, 18:40:29 UTC
*cuddles* ♥


aletheia08 January 20 2009, 18:56:18 UTC
Thanks for the birthday glomps and now I am incredibly intrigued and impatient about my future gift *giggles*

About the fic I can *snif* only say that *wibble* I liked it very muuuuuuch *grabs a tissue*
What a lovely fic, you rock my dear ♥ ♥
If we ever get something that even resembles that moment : “I love you,”/“I’ve always loved you,” on the show, I may IMPLODE ;)


sweetveritas January 20 2009, 19:20:32 UTC
I'm making the post now darling.

Awwww bless you darling *cuddles* ♥♥♥
I think that if we actually do get something like that the the Rictor scale with be measuring a new seismic tremour because I'll have fainted! I love those two immensely!!!!!


tamie00 November 24 2009, 14:31:55 UTC
I'm reading some of your older fics b/c I've only just discovered you :)

This was utterly beautiful and left me completely breathless.


sweetveritas November 25 2009, 15:55:17 UTC
Aw wow thank you so much for reading and taking an interesting in older fics, I truly appreciate that.

You have just made me blush. I honestly cannot thank you enough that your wonderful comment. ♥


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