I think it's about time I stop using this thing. It is more a link to the past than it is any resemblance of the future. I've pretty much decided I'm going to change who I am, and LJ is not really important to me any more. I know no one will care, mostly because so little is ever said here that involves me. It is just time to move on
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So I am writing a paper, and I just got a window's pop-up "Your computer is running normally" Thank you Vista, I was in fear there was an error message somewhere I couldn't see, your rapid response to inform me that I was operating fine was crucial to my mental well being.
So I am searching for summer jobs, and I search for law enforcement related for this area and I get this "Employer - US ARMY Job - Soldier" might I add that is the only job for the area for law enforcement. Not exactly a summer job....
1. A game like this is created. 2. People are raising money for a good reason with it. 3. People are donating money for this. 4. People are donating thousands for this
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So I lost my phone today. I'm considerably not happy. Mostly because my phone was perfectly fine, and had lots of hot girls phone numbers in it. Not really but it had everyone's number.
So for the time being don't call me, either it will be found in the PD or in an officer's vehicle or it won't and I'll have a new number for everyone.