ELIGIBLE STORIES: Smallville Fanfiction Awards

Aug 11, 2009 17:33

Authors, please use this post to help us compile a list of Smallville fanfiction eligible in 2009's Smallville Fanfiction Awards.

Please comment on this thread with a link to your story, first chapter preferred. If you have a Table of Contents, even better. If we are missing any sites in this list, please also add them in comments. If you already have a post with your eligible stories listed, please link that instead.

We ask, also, that you include the year during which your fanfiction was written. If your fic is a serial, and has spanned more than one year, please include all applicable years alongside your fic's link.

Examples of acceptable commenting:

Jimmy Rocked My World / http://fanfiction.net / 2009
Superman Rocks My Socks / http://loisclark.proboards.com/index.cgi / 2007-2009

This post will be updated with the links as they are received. Thank you.

Sites that house eligible fanfiction:

+ On Livejournal:
sv_fanfiction / sv_fanfic / sv_hetfic / sv_slash / 12days_of_clois / cloisfic / gotclex / chloesullivan / clana / chlexers / ollieville / absolut_lex / old_school_clex / smallville_au / chlollie

+ On the rest of the internet:
Divine Intervention / ff.net / KrypstonSite / SSA / Wild Coyote / Level Three / Chlark Fanfiction Archive

Authors that have commented with eligible fanfiction:

+ ancarett: Smallville Fanfiction
+ mericangrl69: Smallville Fanfiction
+ babettew54: Smallville Fanfiction
+ bella8876: Smallville Fanfiction
+ brdwaybebe: Smallville Fanfiction
+ chaotic4life: Smallville Fanfiction
+ danceswithgary: Smallville Fanfiction
+ emerald_night/kelly4: Smallville Fanfiction
+ gen717: Smallville Fanfiction
+ htbthomas: Smallville Fanfiction
+ katshakespeare: Smallville Fanfiction
+ krysyuy: Smallville Fanfiction
+ ladydreamer: Smallville Fanfiction
+ lillianschild/lexie2: Smallville Fanfiction
+ Lolo Kent: Smallville Fanfiction
+ mark_clark: Smallville Fanfiction
+ mute_mime: Smallville Fanfiction
+ saavikam77: Smallville Fanfiction
+ starrylites: Smallville Fanfiction
+ twinsarein: Smallville Fanfiction
+ xenokattz: Smallville Fanfiction

To clarify - you do not need to nominate specifically off of this list. You may nominate any Smallville fanfiction so long as it fits a category. This page is just quick access to groupings of stories.

2009 LINKS

eligible stories, 2009

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