Team MetaHumans // 5 Drabbles

Nov 17, 2009 18:17

Team: Metahumans
Challenge: Apples
Rating: all under PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Clex, Clark, Lex, Martha, Jonathon, Nell

Title: Spilled Milk
Characters/Pairings: Lex, Clark, Jonathon, Martha, Nell
Summary: Martha is in tears. Lex is on the case. And that's terrible. (link totally unrelated)

Spilled Milk )

character: clark "boy scout" kent, team: metahumans, pairing: jonathan/lex, character: jonathan kent, character: nell potter, character: lex luthor, character: martha kent, pairing: clark/lex, author: sue_dreams

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Comments 14

twinsarein November 18 2009, 03:04:33 UTC
1. Nell needs to go down, and hard! You go, Lex.

2. Yay, for a naughty Clark. I'm making him my theme this time around. The few apple drabbles I've managed to do so far all feature a naughty Clark. He's so much fun.

3. Oooo, a confident Lex is soooo sexy! Shiver me timbers...and other things are shivering too. *wink*

4. Um...yum? And not because of the apples. Sexy. Also, cool quotes.

5. Um...eek! Lex & Jonathan...eek! Although, fuuuunnny. And the end bit with Clark and Lex having a turn, but no cherry stem. *snicker*

These were awesome and really made me smile. Except the first one. Nell really has to go down.

OMG! I just followed your link at the top. That's hysterical. I'd love to see the rest of the story it's a part of.


sue_dreams November 18 2009, 04:57:19 UTC
I believe the page with the cakes is front a counting book. I could be wrong.

I'm glad you liked them. I originally wrote the dark fic in the middle of this set, but it, um, didn't quite fit. :D

Nell is going down. She doesn't know it yet, but her future is set. Lex will be subtle (he doesn't want Clark to know).


nonotthatone November 18 2009, 13:22:45 UTC
1. Oh, poor Martha. Having lost a bake-off once to a carrot cake (HONESTLY, chocolate-raspberry swirl cheesecake and a CARROT CAKE wins?) I feel her pain. I love Lex as their avenging angel. I hope his plot involves laxatives in the ice cream or something equally evil.

2. NICE. Bobbing for apples was on my list of ideas; but I could never hope to compete with this.

3. I like this so much:
It was really just a matter of time until he had both anyway.
It's cocky, it's entitled, it's Lex through-and-through. Perfect.

4. "Clark, you ~are~~ the apple."
Oh dear lord, yes.

5. I think Martha is a slash fan. Come on girl, admit it.

Very nice, as always :)


sue_dreams November 18 2009, 17:40:15 UTC
1) Seriously? I love carrot cake, but that's not right.

Also, randomly, in a fiction class I took, this gal wrote a fantastic story of baking revenge. No laxatives, sadly. But the avenger was asked to bake a cake for her opposition because the opposition couldn't bake it for herself. The avenger did so, let the enemy claim it, then sat back while everyone tried it and then made disgusted faces.

Sadly, Nell wouldn't be quite that trusting of Martha, I think. (Though I doubt Martha would bake anything less than a perfect cake. /recall.

2) I'd still love to see what you come up with for bobbing for apples.

5) Martha... is Martha. *shifty looks*


nonotthatone November 18 2009, 18:33:10 UTC
Well, grudgingly: it WAS a pretty awesome carrot cake.

I'll see if anything brilliant comes to me for apple bobbing; but lightning seldom strikes twice :)


seagull2eagle November 20 2009, 01:29:35 UTC
Love these! ^__^ I was trying not to read until I'd finished my set, lol. But you took a different direction completely.

The first one is great... Martha lost the pie contest, oh no! The link is hysterical. ^^

Your summary on two is perfect. Clark knows the perfect way to get Lex. :) In more ways than one!

The third gives me a bit of shivers at the end... I was all prepared to go happy and then went, uh... o.o Nicely done!

(Amusingly enough, the apple isn't actually mentioned in the bible as the forbidden fruit. But it's totally bible fanon.) The boys' dialog is wonderful - so evocative, so rich. I could see them during it.

And, um, yum on the fifth! I take the fifth and so does Martha and Jonathan. ROTFL... :) That one is kindof yummy, and now we'll go away and hide... ;D


sue_dreams November 20 2009, 06:33:12 UTC
I know the apple wasn't mentioned in the bible, but when I was brainstorming ideas on this prompt, it was one of the ones in my notes. (This wasn't how it was supposed to play out. :D)

I'm really glad you liked them! I know the third got...shadowy? It's not overly dark, but it's not quite the happy I was aiming for in the beginning.

The fifth one... I loved writing. It amused me greatly. Martha won't let any of the boys ever forget it.


seagull2eagle November 20 2009, 19:00:28 UTC
LOL - when I was thinking about the drabbles, I looked 'apple' up on wikipedia - it had the whole bible fanon bit up there and I was pretty amused. Even more amused when you ran with that part! I like how we all ended up with fairly different stories - I was worried we'd be too close.

Smallville needs its darkness as well as the light - that's our balance. :)

For some weird reason, I actually like Lex/Jonathan in a slightly horrified yet fascinated way (much like Martha, I imagine). Your drabble reminded me of this and I had to go searching on sv_inquiry for some. I feel so dirty now. ;p Yay for apple-wine in the house! ;D


sue_dreams November 21 2009, 01:15:56 UTC
I saw your post on sv_inquiry. I've seen one story where it mentions Lex and Jonathon having had an affair in the past. It comes up because the Clex is just beginning to explore their relationship.

It doesn't go into detail at all though. I hope you've had good luck in your search.


ctbn60 November 25 2009, 14:56:13 UTC
Wow you paint lovely images with your words!!

1) Hehe!! Nell finally kicked martha's butt in something.

2) (love the title!) I'd have paid to watch clark lick Lex clean! *happy sigh*

3) I really like the progression in this one and the natural conclusion that Lex came to at the end. If lex was a more patient man I think that might exactly be how their relationship worked out! Nice one.

4) This line deserves a prize!!!: "Clark, you ~are~~ the apple. There's no other such fruit in all of Eden."

5) OH MY GOODNESS!!! Jon and Lex locking lips! Hot for some oddly strange reason! ( And that would explain a lot about jon wanting to keep clark away from Lex. Jealousy!) AND clark not waiting for a cherry! hehehe Go clark!!

Very nicely done. I enjoyed these!!!


sue_dreams November 25 2009, 16:29:01 UTC
I'm glad you liked them!

I love the apple line from #4 myself, so it makes me very happy that it works for you as well.


ctbn60 November 26 2009, 05:07:48 UTC
Okay I've never done a banner for a drabble before but the line stuck in my head and I had to work on the visual. I hope you like it.


sue_dreams November 27 2009, 19:22:04 UTC
I cannot even express to you how much I love that picture. ^__^ I'm extremely glad for having inspired you and grateful that you shared it.


ctbn60 November 27 2009, 19:35:17 UTC
You are very welcome. :)


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