Team MetaHumans // 5 Drabbles

Nov 17, 2009 18:17

Team: Metahumans
Challenge: Apples
Rating: all under PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Clex, Clark, Lex, Martha, Jonathon, Nell

Title: Spilled Milk
Characters/Pairings: Lex, Clark, Jonathon, Martha, Nell
Summary: Martha is in tears. Lex is on the case. And that's terrible. (link totally unrelated)

"She ~cried~~," Clark said sadly.

Lex kept his silence as he helped clean the kitchen. There was quiet from the living room, where Jonathon was comforting Martha. Lex knew quite a lot about disappointed parents, though he was used to being the cause. Or a mitigating factor.

This wasn't something he could fix. Or was allowed to fix, according to Clark. Nell winning Best Pie not the end of the world. Even if she'd stolen Martha's sour apple recipe.

Revenge would be a dish best served cold. With a side of ice cream. And the Kents would never have to know.


Title: Bob's Your Uncle
Characters/Pairings: Lex, Clark, Clex
Summary: Lex can't seem to find the limit to the things he'd do for Clark.

"It's a good cause."

"I'll donate the money."

"You'll improve your standing in the community."

"The only people to seem me will probably your friends, and their opinions won't change, Clark."

Clark licks his lips and leans in to whisper. "You and me, wet... sharing a towel... imagine my eyes tracing each drop of water as it glides down your skin."

It's not the same thing ~at all~~, and Lex would tell him that if he could find his voice. Instead, he puts a fifty down and goes bobbing.

After, Clark licks water and apple juice from the corner of his mouth.


Title: Forbidden Fruit
Characters/Pairings: Clex, Clark, Lex
Summary: Some things are worth waiting for.

In May, Clark warned him away from his secrets.

In August, Clark stopped a bus in Lex's view. He didn't explain. Didn't lie.

October, Lex bought bushels of apples, watched Clark lick juice from his fingers. Clark's hands were sticky when they cupped Lex's face. "I can tell you. I ~want~~ to, and-"

Lex silenced him. "That's more than enough." He could smell the apples on Clark's skin, barely resisted tasting them.

"What if it's not?"

"We'll make it enough."

Lex would rather have Clark than his secrets. It was really just a matter of time until he had both anyway.


Title: Biblical Knowledge
Characters/Pairings: Clex, Clark, Lex
Warnings: Misquoting the Bible.
Summary: Clark wants the truth to be known.

"I believed knowledge was the prize. It justified my curiosity. But forbidden fruit is sweet in the gaining and dangerous in the knowing."

Clark tensed. "Is that something I should recognize?"

"An observation."

"You don't... want the apple?"

"Clark, you ~are~~ the apple. There's no other such fruit in all of Eden."

"'Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide in the shadow of my wings.'" Clark stepped closer. "Would it really be so bad, Lex?"

Lex didn't move away as Clark's lips touched lightly on his. "You're temptation to a starving man."

"Then, please. Come feast with me."


Title: In Vino...
Characters/Pairings: Clex, Jonathon/Lex, Martha, Clark, Lex, Jonathon
Warnings: Cross-gen of a sorts.
Summary: Sometimes, even the wine isn't excuse enough.

It's both horrifying and yet strangely transfixing. Apparently, all her men have had a bit too much of the apple wine.

As Martha watches, Jonathon and Lex finally pull apart from each other, her husband looking glassy and Lex smug. He plucks something from his mouth. "See?" He holds up the knotted cherry stem triumphantly.

Clark's, "My turn!" is a tad too eager, Lex's agreement too quick.

Martha's the only one sober enough to put a stop to it, but Clark is too swift. He's plastered on Lex almost instantly . She doesn't think either one of them remembered a cherry.

character: clark "boy scout" kent, team: metahumans, pairing: jonathan/lex, character: jonathan kent, character: nell potter, character: lex luthor, character: martha kent, pairing: clark/lex, author: sue_dreams

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