New ATWT/SPN Fic: As The Supernatural World Turns, PG-13, 3/?

May 03, 2010 22:21

As The Supernatural World Turns
by Suz

Disclaimer in the first post. Explanations of characters/shows in the second post.

Part 1, Part 2.

Thanks to D for her endless cheerleading, and nel for the idea ;D

Today was a Bank Holiday, hence lots of writing. Tomorrow is a normal work day, so the production level won't stay as high. Of course, I also suspect I'll be sliiiiiiiiightly distracted by the events of this week's episodes of ATWT ;D But! Whenever I can write, I will :)

In this fic, Luke and Reid did go to Dallas, but there was no kiss or revelation after. Also, I've decided that Luke has absolutely given up Grimaldi Shipping. If you're looking for medical realism...don't watch soaps, okay? ;D

Feedback is love <3


Luke Snyder hummed in satisfaction as he sipped at his latte in Java, glancing at his watch. Casey was due to meet him anytime now and Luke was looking forward to seeing how his friend was doing. They hadn't had much time for each other lately, both of them having ridiculous amounts of stuff going on. Luke felt guilty that he hadn't really been able to be there for Casey after he and Ali crashed and burned so badly, but Luke's own life had been an endless parade of dramas the last few months. Noah's blindness and the accompanying guilt, dealing with Reid, Damian faking his own death, Dad's arrest for Damian's 'death', giving up Grimaldi Shipping, Faith's drug problem, Mom's confusion over his parents' endless push-pull relationship...dealing with Reid.

He and Casey had bumped into each other in passing the other day and decided they needed to do something about it, especially with Luke's birthday coming up. So, Luke had scheduled himself an entire afternoon off and all he was planning to do was hang out with a good friend and have a good time.

Admittedly, it was still a little weird coming into Java and not seeing Noah behind the counter. It was still a little weird not even being with Noah, but their break-up had been a long time comin-

"Luke Snyder?"

Surprised, Luke's body jerked and he just managed not to spill any coffee on himself. Fumbling to put his mug safely down on the table, he eventually cleared his throat awkwardly and smiled up at the man standing next to him. "Hi. Sorry - didn't even see you come in. Can I help you?"

"Are you Luke Snyder?"

Luke opened his mouth to respond, when he took a moment to really look at the man speaking to him. A complete stranger, attractive in a geeky kind of way, wearing a suit and tie...and a trench coat.

It was the trench coat that did it.

Oh, crap. He was going to *kill* Casey. Casey had even jokingly suggested it when they'd bumped into each other and Luke had laughed and brushed it off, not thinking for even a second that his friend had actually been serious. The guy was even wearing a tie. Last year, Luke had confessed to Casey secretly - on pain of death - just how hot he found it whenever Noah wore a tie and now Casey had passed this information on to a stranger and Luke was going to *kill him*. "Um, please just keep your clothes on," he blurted out, sitting up straighter as he looked around Java. He knew just about everyone in here. There was no way he was ever going to live this down.

The man frowned, looking down at himself. "My clothes are unimportant."

"No, no, they really are!" Luke insisted, gesturing towards him. "Look, this really isn't necessary," he said intently, smiling as charmingly as possible. He knew how to flirt when he had to and this guy would clearly be used to guys flirting with him in his line of business. "You get paid anyway, right? Let's just say you did what you had to and Casey will be none the wiser. You get an easy day's work, I don't have to kill my best friend. Everyone's happy."

Frowning even deeper, the man shook his head. "You misunderstand." He reached into the right hand pocket of his trench coat and just for a split second, Luke was convinced he was going to pull out a gun. The way his life had been going lately, the idea wasn't even a surprise. He was even trying to calculate the odds boiling hot coffee had against bullets when he saw that it wasn't a gun at all.

A camera?

He watched, dumbstruck, as the camera was aimed squarely at his face.

"My name is Castiel," the man announced. "I am an angel of the Lord."

The flash went off.

Blinking heavily - both in confusion and in an attempt to get the image of the flash burn out of his eye - Luke was still trying to produce a coherent thought other than What the hell? and Maybe this really was Casey's doing, after all, when suddenly he wasn't in Java any more. He wasn't even sitting down. He was standing in a corridor he didn't recognise, with the guy from Java and two other men he didn't know across from him. Still blinking, Luke felt a little dazed at the sudden relocation and general events of the past two minutes.

"Um...hi?" he offered.

"Luke Snyder, right?" The tall guy offered, holding out his hand. "I'm Sam, Sam Winchester. I know this is all a little - okay, a lot - weird, but what Castiel told you is true. He is an angel, and we need your help."


Luke stared at the hand he was being offered and wondered if it was time to start drinking again.

Still, this Sam had a calm, reassuring voice. It didn't sound like he was lying and Luke didn't think he was hallucinating. It really did seem like he'd been instantly transported from one place to another (just where the hell was he?) and if that was true, that meant...

He turned towards the man who'd identified himself as Castiel. "You're really an angel?"

"I am."

An angel. An angel of the Lord. And Luke had genuinely believed Castiel was... "I am *so* going to Hell," he muttered, rubbing both hands over his face. "Oh my God..." Pausing, he flipped his eyes wide open, stared at Castiel through splayed fingers and made a mental note: avoiding blasphemy around the angel from here on out was probably a good idea.

Angels were *real*?

So, apparently, an angel and his friends needed Luke's help with something - but for what possible reason? And why had Castiel even taken his picture? "What was the camera about?"

Sam clearly hesitated and was saved from answering when a familiar voice came from behind Luke.

"That was for me. Did you get it?"

The hair of the back of Luke's neck standing on end, he immediately swivelled around to see Reid Oliver, dressed in scrubs, holding a hand out towards Castiel who was in the process of handing over the camera.

Of course. Luke moved faster, snatching the camera out of Castiel's hand and waving it in Reid's face. "Of *course* you're involved in this! Who else would be deranged enough to hire someone to impersonate an angel just to mess with-"

"Oh, that's right," he interrupted sarcastically. "Being a world-famous neurologist, I had nothing better to do with my day than wake up in the morning and decide - oh, I know! Today I'll get my kicks by asking an *angel* to kidnap Luke Snyder and tell him he's needed for a great quest." Unimpressed, he folded his arms across his chest. "You weren't the only one who was abducted today."

Annoyingly, one thing Reid wasn't, was a liar. Stumped by Reid's statement and the increasing odds of it being the truth, Luke stared at the object he was still holding in his hand. "The camera?"

"Well," unfolding his arms, Reid plucked the camera out of Luke's hand. "That part *was* for my own amusement. Come with me." Turning away, he started striding down the corridor.

"But..." Luke glanced towards the others.

Reid just kept walking. "The tall one's Sam, the short one's Bobby. I'm sure you can figure out which is which."

Well, yes, but...

Was Bobby growling?


Surprised, Luke turned to see Reid standing at the end of the corridor, staring at him.

"A man's life is at stake."

He didn't know the reasons, or the explanations, but a man's life was at stake. It was as simple as that.

Luke jogged to catch up with him and they soon fell into step together. "I can understand why they'd want you," Luke told him, not that he thought Reid's ego needed any more massaging. "What do they want me for?"

"I needed help," Reid replied, banging open the door to a room with Luke following close behind.

That was a surprise. "And you suggested me?" He glanced around the room they were in, deciding from the layout that it was an area intended for changing clothes. A locker room, basically.

"When you keep your mouth shut, you're actually quite useful," Reid told him, placing the camera on a table and picking up a folded pair of scrubs and a pair of white sneakers, shoving them into Luke's arms. "Get changed. When you're ready, come into the next room and I'll show you how to scrub up."

Scrub up? Luke had heard that term before - mostly on TV - and it always meant... "Tell me you're not serious." He had to be joking.

"I'm always serious," Reid quipped, before actually turning serious and leaning back against the table. "There's a man who needs me to operate on him or he's going to die. They can't take him to a hospital. The angel can't do anything to save him. So, it's up to me and - though I'm quite capable of performing this entire surgery by myself - the chances of success are much higher if I have another pair of eyes in there. My patients always come first - you know that."

Luke did. Reid might have a lousy beside manner, but the medical care of his patients always came before everything else - even his ego. "Why me?"

Reid shifted, but didn't move away. "For some reason, I thought you'd be able to cope with the revelation that angels actually exist well enough not to be completely useless in the OR, even if you are completely unskilled." He held Luke's gaze. "I told them I could trust you. Was I wrong in that assumption?"

For once, Reid didn't even seem to be trying to goad him into anything - he was genuinely asking the question and Luke knew what his answer would be.

He straightened his spine. Stripper angels or not, it didn't matter. Someone needed their help.

Plus, Reid trusted him. Reid didn't trust anyone, which spoke volumes about just how awesome Luke was.

"No, you weren't," Luke shook his head, feeling more confident. "I can do this. I will do this."

"Good," Reid said calmly, but with an obvious sense of satisfaction. "Get changed, then come next door to scrub up. When we get into the OR I'll explain exactly what I need you to watch for - you won't actually be cutting in to anyone, I'm not that crazy."

Snorting, Luke placed the clothes back on the table and started pulling his shirt off. "Sure - you're cutting a man's head open to do an angel's bidding, and you're asking a trust-fund brat to be your wingman. No, you're not crazy at *all*."

Reid shrugged. "Needs must as the devil drives."

"I don't think mentioning the devil at the moment is a good idea," Luke replied, half-joking, half-serious, and if Reid's eyes lingered on Luke's chest a little too long as he backed through the swinging door into the adjoining room, well.

Maybe he was just remembering that awkward moment in the hotel room in Dallas with Luke wearing a towel and nothing else.


That was it.


I like to think my icon is Luke's face when the camera went off ;D


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