New ATWT/SPN Fic: As The Supernatural World Turns, PG-13, 2/?

May 03, 2010 12:43

As The Supernatural World Turns
by Suz

Disclaimer in the first post.

Part 1.


So, I had a few comments from people not knowing anything/much about ATWT or Supernatural, so here's some useful information for you :)

Luke/Reid - As The World Turns
Reid is the best neurologist in the entire world - as he's fond of reminding people. Extremely arrogant but extremely good, he doesn't suffer fools gladly and despises small talk. He was blackmailed into coming to Oakdale in January by Luke, after Luke's boyfriend, Noah, had been blinded in an accident. Luke is extremely rich and Reid hated everything about him from the beginning. His money, his sense of entitlement, that what he wants is more important than what anyone else wants, etc. They used to have a habit physically pushing each other around, which I approved of greatly \o/ Of course, Luke's misguided actions were all out of love for Noah. Luke is bitchy but loving - almost too loving. He will do anything for anyone he cares about to his own detriment, often putting up with behaviour from family and loved ones for a lot longer than you or I would. He's not spineless, but has a huge heart. Luke runs a charitable foundation that is building a new neurology wing at Memorial Hospital that Reid is heading up. As a result, they now have to work together and though they still banter a lot, there is a mutual understanding and respect. Recently, Luke helped Reid get re-instated after being suspended following potential legal action from the death of a patient. Luke broke up with Noah in March. They'd been miserable for months, Noah unable to let Luke help him deal with his blindness, Luke unable *not* to help Noah deal with his blindness. Reid lives with Katie, a local he's become friends with and a relative of Luke's via marriage (it's a soap - just about everyone is related!). Her husband, Brad, died last year and his ghost haunted her for a while. She's now raising their baby son, Jacob. Reid is gay and not ashamed about it.

Dean/Castiel - Supernatural
Dean and Sam are brothers who hunt evil things for a living. Demons, vampires, werewolves - you name it, they're out to destroy it and stop innocent people being killed by it. It's a lonely but important job. The only family they have left is each other. Two years ago, for reasons too complicated to go into, Dean died and went to Hell. Castiel, an angel of the Lord, pulled him out and resurrected him, telling him that God had work for him. As it turned out, it was all a load of crap and the rest of the angels were dicks and lying to Cas. No one's heard from God in years and the angels were actually trying to get Dean and Sam to end up accidentally doing very, very bad things that the angels think would ultimately result in something good. Spending more and more time with Dean, Castiel came to learn more about being human and free will and ultimately turned his back on his own kind. He's died, rebelled, killed his own brothers - all for Dean. Basically, there isn't anything he wouldn't do for him. Being cut off from Heaven, Castiel is starting to lose his angel mojo. He still has angelic powers, but they're not as strong as they used to be. Somehow, Cas is a BAMF and completely adorable at the same time. It should not be possible and YET IT IS. He and Dean spend a lot of time staring at each other soulfully. Dean is a bit of a dick himself, but he's been through a lot so we cut him some slack. Sam is the 'smart' brother who was going to become a lawyer, but got sucked into the world of hunting. He's a genuinely nice guy, if often misguided. Bobby is an old family friend, also a hunter, who helps them with their work a lot. As the result of a recent injury, Bobby is now in a wheelchair.

On with the fic! Feedback would be fab :) Thanks to nel :)


Sam, Dean's younger brother, was about nine feet tall. He was also a really nice guy.

Too nice. Annoyingly nice.

Reid's arrival out of nowhere with an angel in tow hadn't seemed to surprise anyone in the room - although, admittedly, one of the people in the room was currently unconscious on the sofa after suffering some kind of brain trauma. The tall one was introduced as Sam, the one with the killer wheels as Bobby, and the patient was Dean. Bobby and Castiel had hung back while Reid examined Dean, checking his pulse, pupil responsiveness, general reactions. Sam had hovered behind his shoulder the entire time.

Currently, Reid was at a crowded desk (trying to ignore the words in the open books on the desk that read 'Lucifer', 'souls' and 'armageddon' - not really conducive to staying focused in the best of situations, never mind when you'd allowed yourself to be abducted by an angel) making a list of all the equipment and resources he'd need Castiel to obtain in order to do this properly. When it came to doing his job, Reid was a professional. There was no doing anything half-assed. It was properly or not at all.

Unfortunately, Sam kept interrupting.

"Really, Dr Oliver, thank you so much for doing this."

He tried not to sigh, then wondered why he was even making that effort and let it out instead. "I told you, it's my job. Thank me later when you don't receive a huge insurance bill in the mail." The pen stopped working for a moment and Reid scribbled on the pad to get the ink flowing again.

"I know, you said," Sam nodded earnestly. "It's just...I know this has gotta be weird for you, being brought here by an angel - finding out angels even exist! Being asked to perform brain surgery in extremely unusual conditions. It's a lot for anyone to take in, and though I know Dean's situation is urgent and obviously I want you to help him as soon as possible...but I also know how...persuasive...Cas can be when he wants something." He glanced over towards the angel, who was currently staring at Dean. "If you need time to adjust before you operate to be able to perform the surgery safely, that's totally understand-"

Oh, *seriously*?

"Dan, was it?" Reid asked, knowing full well what Sam's name was. "Look, living whatever kinds of lives you live, you're no doubt used to people screaming, fainting and gibbering like idiots. Fortunately for you, I do none of those things. Yes, it was obviously a surprise to find out angels are real and no, I'm not about to run to a psychiatrist about it. I am the best neurosurgeon in the entire world - which is no doubt why your pet angel kidnapped me - and you have a patient who requires neurosurgery. I'm going to do my job, Dan - it's what I *do*. I do not, however, need to start discussing my *feelings* about the cosmos and our place in the universe. It's irrelevant and I am not a hippy, are we clear?"

Sam blinked. "Crystal."

"Good." Reid focused back on his list, writing down the last item. "Bring the angel over here." Castiel appeared shortly thereafter and Reid ripped off the piece of paper, placing it into Castiel's hand. "They're in order of priority, so get...make, produce...whatever it is you do to the stuff at the top of the list first."

Castiel brought the list closer to his face, scanning the contents. "I will need some time."

Reid shrugged. "I'm not the one with brain damage."

And just like that, Castiel vanished into thin air with a gust of wind, papers flying off the desk.

Hmphing, Reid slipped his hands into the pockets of his lab coat. "Now that's just showing off."

Reid kept himself occupied by checking over Dean, trying to identify if there'd been any change in his condition, good or bad. Sam and Bobby were talking quietly in the kitchen - but not quietly enough. Reid suspected it was on purpose because every now and then he'd hear the words, "dick", "need him", and "idiot." Or rather, "idjit" in that oh-so-charming colloquial accent Bobby Singer had.

It was only a few minutes later when Castiel blinked into existence right next to him, nearly knocking him over. He looked...tired.

"It is ready," Castiel announced.

"Already?" Reid asked, but Castiel's hand was moving towards his head and a split-second later he was in a hospital room with Castiel and Dean. Dean was on a bed wearing a hospital gown and they were...

Okay, this was pretty impressive. "This is a MRI room."


Walking around the room, Reid looked through the windows in the swing door. "And there's a PET scanner next door."


Right. Well, they were the first things he'd asked for. Reid straightened his back, walking towards Castiel. Down to business. "Where's the radiotracer for the PET scan?"

Within a few minutes, Reid had injected the radiotracer into Dean's bloodstream. He intended to perform the MRI scan first, giving Dean's body time to absorb the radiotracer so they'd be able to get clearer images on the PET scan later. Running a MRI machine or a PET scanner had never been Reid's job specifically - that was for radiologists - but the brain was his area of expertise and he'd long made it his business to know everything about scanning the brain. As he was only intending to scan the brain itself, running both scans shouldn't take much more than an hour.

Castiel, thankfully, just let Reid get on with his job. In fact, the whole experience was a practice in silence, save for the sound of the MRI machine taking pictures. All Castiel did was stand with Reid by the computer monitors next door. While Reid stared at the results, Castiel stared at Dean.

He did that a lot.

Less than ninety minutes later, Dean had been moved from one machine to another (having an angel around came in handy), both scans were complete and Reid had thoroughly examined both sets of results. Fortunately for Dean, Reid had seen this type of brain injury many times before and though every brain was amazing and different, he was confident that if he got in there to relieve the pressure soon, Dean probably wouldn't be a vegetable for the rest of his life. "I need to talk to the others."

Castiel vanished, then re-appeared within seconds, one hand on Sam's arm and the other on Bobby's shoulder. They both looked decidedly windswept, staring around the room.

"Holy crap, Cas," Sam said, making the same examination of the rooms Reid had earlier. "Are we in an actual hospital?" He sounded guilty, like he was worried the equipment had been stolen from someone else who needed to use them.

"This is a facsimile," Cas said quietly, blinking slowly. "Nothing here really exists. It seemed simpler than rendering the entire population of a hospital unconscious."

Yeah, Reid could understand that being difficult to explain.

Stumbling, Castiel braced his weight against the wall with his arm.

"Woah!" Sam rushed towards him, grabbing Castiel's shoulders. "Are you okay?"

"It is a...strain," he admitted and perfect, now Castiel could barely stand up. What kind of angel was he, anyway? "The sooner Dean is healed, the sooner I can cease maintaining this facsimile."

Reid took that at his cue, stepping towards them. "Based on the scans we've just taken, I'm confident Dean has an extremely good chance of recovery if we operate as soon as possible."

"What kind of operation?" Sam asked, turning towards him. "What is it you're going to do?"

There was no *time* for this. "There is no way on Earth you'd have any *idea* of the specifics of what brain surgery involves, so let me put it in terms you'll understand," he gestured towards Dean and looked from Sam to Bobby and back again. "He has a boo-boo on his brain. I'm going to kiss it better."

"You'll be kissing something else in a minute," Bobby growled. "We're not useless, you know."

"And you're not neurologists, so believe me when I say I'm going to cut his head open and fix what's wrong inside. The sooner, the better."

"Get on with it, then," Sam urged.

If only it was that easy. "Unfortunately, I need assistance. Do you have any idea how many people there usually are on a surgical team for brain surgery? Castiel's barely keeping it together enough to keep this place existing, Bobby's missing a few key inches in a vital area, and you're the patient's brother - you're too emotionally involved. I can't trust any of you to do the job properly."

Sam didn't look offended - Reid had to give him credit for that. "So who can you trust?"

In actuality, there was only one person in the entire world that Reid thought he could actually trust with this - revealing the truth about angels, helping with a procedure, keeping his mouth shut about it afterward.

How ironic. "Luke Snyder. Lives in Oakdale, too."

"Luke Snyder," Castiel repeated, obviously memorising the name.

"You can't miss him," Reid offered. "Loaded. Bitchy. Generous to a fault. Will do anything for anyone he cares about, usually getting his own wants and needs trampled on in the process."

That seemed to intrigue Sam. "Including you?"

Reid snorted. "We work together." Although he did help Reid get re-instated...but like Reid had said at the time, that had been for Noah's benefit. "I've found that, generally, he's not as useless as the rest of the Illinois population."

"High praise from the likes of you," Bobby said. "Look, are we gonna do this, or do I have to sit here and listen to you wax poetic about your boyfriend?"

Not dignifying the boyfriend comment with a remark, Reid couldn't stay entirely silent. He looked Bobby up and down. "Whatever we do, you'll be sitting regardless."

Sam glared at him. "Classy, doctor. Really."

"It was merely an observation."

"And I'm *merely* gonna shove my shotgun up your-"

"Bobby Singer," Castiel interrupted. "Injuring Dr Oliver would put Dean at further risk. I can't allow you to do anything that would bring him harm." The threat sounded fierce with the gravely voice thing Castiel had going on, but being that he was still wavering around on his feet, he looked about as defenseless as a two-week old puppy.

Still, this was *awesome*. "I have my very own guardian angel?" Did this mean he could do whatever he wanted, all the damn time, and not have to worry about the consequences?

Admittedly, that was his usual MO.

"It's not you who has one," Sam muttered, glancing at Dean's still form. "Look, Cas," Sam sighed, looking back at him. "Bobby wasn't actually going to do anything-"

"Like hell I wasn't."

"Like I was *saying*," he hissed at Bobby, "we want Dean to get better as much as you do. So let's do this."

"Very well," Castiel conceded. "I will return shortly."

Before he could vanish out of existence again, Reid stepped forward. "Wait!"

Tilting his head, Castiel frowned, awaiting an explanation.

Reid was only too happy to give one, for this opportunity. "Put me and Dean in a surgical room now; I'll start getting him prepped. When you get Luke, you have to take a camera with you."

Castiel paused intensely. Reid wasn't sure how anyone could even pause intensely, but somehow Castiel managed it. "For what purpose?"

Reid smirked. "I need a picture of his face when you tell him you're an angel."


Part 3


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