New QAF Fic: Inescapable, NC-17, 61/61

Nov 27, 2006 22:17

Parts 1 - 20, Parts 21 - 40, Parts 41 - 60.

See part one for disclaimer/info.

Hey, last part! Finally!

I'm not really sure where the idea for this fic came from, I just know that I'd been thinking for a while that it'd be really COOL if Brian and Justin met for the first time at the bombing. That was the idea I started with. That was about all I started with, and it developed as I wrote it *g*.

Thank you so, so much to everyone who ever encouraged me with this, and pointed out typos, mistakes, and Britishisms :D It is muchly, muchly appreciated. And hey, this reached nearly 114,000 words!

And thank you, as always, to my beloved nel_ani :-*

I do have an idea for another series, but I make no promises about when I'll start posting it - I haven't even started writing it yet :) I'm also not promising it'll be as sappy as this one ;D

Feedback would be fantastic :D


Everyone started leaving around 9pm. JR was out cold, Gus was looking drowsy - he got to stay up later than usual because of the 'special occasion' - and there were babysitters they needed to be taken to. Molly was plainly annoyed that she wasn't allowed to go to the club with the rest of them, and while normally Brian would've had few qualms about sneaking her in - he could imagine perfectly well what Justin would've been like around her age - the fact that her mother had decided to attend the re-opening of Babylon put a dampener on any plans he may have had.

Brian and Justin had started getting ready before the others left, so by the time the others *had* left to get rid of kids/get changed/take dishes back/have a quick fuck, that gave them plenty of time to finish getting ready and reach the club before opening time.

The doors were officially opening at 10pm tonight, and Brian and Justin walked into the club not long after 9:30.

Tom, the manager, was moving around a lot, not able to speak to them for long - which assured Brian everything was going the way it should. Tom should be fucking busy, but not so rushed off his feet that he couldn't think straight. Every time Brian saw him, Tom had a huge grin on his face.

Justin seemed even more fascinated with the club now than he had on his previous visit - watching people scurry around, bottles and glasses clanking together behind the bars, smiling up at the higher level.

Justin was also looking extremely hot despite the fact that he had chosen his own outfit (Brian suspected his complaint earlier about not knowing what to wear had simply been a ploy to get Brian to say something nice). It was a simple outfit - tight black jeans, and an equally tight blue t-shirt - but Justin wore it incredibly well.

Brian conferred with a few of the bouncers and bartenders, keeping his hand in, and he was starting to wonder if Phil was ever going to fucking arrive when Tom paused next to him, interrupting, a finger pressed against the microphone headset he was wearing.

"Brian, he's here."

Smirking, Brian dragged Justin away from learning how to make some kind of pink, disgustingly cheery looking cocktail (Seth, that particular bartender, probably thought pleasing Justin would please the boss) and waited by one of the emergency exits - the only one with a slope. The door was already propped open.

When Phil wheeled into view, Brian smiled. "And here's our guest of honour."

Phil was smiling broadly, which was more than what Brian would've been doing if he'd been forced into a wheelchair.

At least it wasn't permanent.

His wheelchair was being pushed by a particularly hot guy, and maybe that was why Phil had that big fucking grin on his face.

"Phil," Brian greeted, stepping back as Phil finally made it into the club. "I hope you appreciated all the quality porn we sent."

"I know I did," Phil's 'helper' answered, smirking, before holding out his hand. "I'm Rick. The boyfriend."

Brian hadn't even known there was a boyfriend. "Brian Kinney," he said, shaking his hand, before gesturing to Justin and nodding at Phil. "Justin Taylor. Justin was the one covering for you the first few days your lazy ass was in hospital."

"Hi," Justin greeted, making a point of shaking both of their hands. "Nice to meet you. I've heard quite a bit about you," he told Phil, smiling. "I really like your work."

"Thanks," Phil replied genuinely. "Ted's told me quite a lot about you, too," he smiled towards Brian. Ted was a dead man. Brian could only imagine exactly what information Ted had shared. "I can't wait to get back to work."

"Do you know how long that'll be?" Justin asked.

"Not sure," he confessed. "I can walk some with assistance now - I brought the wheelchair tonight because it just seems safer all around, and even if I get stuck in a corner all night, Rick'll keep me occupied - but Kinnetik has wheelchair access, so..."

"Well, your job's still there," Brian told him. "You can come back to work anytime." Truthfully, Brian hadn't really kept in contact with Phil himself, but Ted had given him occasional updates on Phil's recovery and progress. He already knew everything there was to know about how far Phil had come.

"So," Justin said, thankfully before things could get all mushy, "I think it's great that you came tonight."

"I'll admit, it felt...weird, coming back in here again. But we can't let them think they've won, right?" he asked rhetorically.

And that was what this whole thing was about. Re-opening Babylon wasn't about dancing or fucking - it was about being queer, and standing up for what you believed in. Brian knew for a fact that most of the people who'd been there the night of the explosion were coming tonight, too.

Of course, Brian had also arranged a new security team whose sole purpose it was to blend in with the crowd and sniff out bombs. The bomber still hadn't been found - there was no reason he couldn't stand up for what he believed in *and* be cautious.

Tom gave him the signal when they had two minutes to go, and Brian excused himself from Phil and Rick and made sure the emergency exit was shut tight. Giving everything one last check over, Brian called for the lights, then the music. That was normally all Tom's job - and fuck knew Brian wouldn't be here every night for this - but Babylon's manager waited patiently, in deference to his boss on this special occasion.

Brian gave one last look around the club, felt the thumpa thumpa throughout his body, and smiled at Justin. "Let them in!"

Justin didn't waste anytime at all, wrapping his arms around Brian's neck and moving his hips to the beat of the music.

They were still the only two people on the dance floor.

"You know, we haven't done this before," Justin said loudly, pressing his forehead against Brian's.

Closing his eyes, Brian rested his hands on either side of Justin's waist. "I seem to recall dancing at Ted's birthday bash."

"Not like this," he retorted, making Brian smile.

"Hey!" a loud voice said next to them, and they both blinked their eyes open to see Mikey and Ben standing there. His friends - as well of the families of the bomb victims - had been given VIP access, so any of them who wanted to come were granted first entry.

The others started appearing around them. Ted and Blake. Emmett and whatshisname. Mel and Linds. Cynthia. Jennifer and her hubby. More people from work. Debbie and Carl even put in an appearance, although Brian wouldn't call what they were doing dancing.

And then there were the other faces. People who'd lost their children, their partners. As the floor filled up more and more, some of them tried to take Brian to one side, tried to thank him for some fucking reason.

Brian didn't like it. He didn't like it for one fucking second.

"Come on," Justin encouraged, smiling. "Take it like a man. I *know* you can."

It didn't get easier. But when Brian didn't know what the fuck to say, Justin did.

After a while, Brian moved to the bar to get drinks, and when he turned back he saw Justin being hassled by a guy he clearly wanted nothing to do with. He wasn't bad looking, but the guy was huge, and when he slid a hand under Justin's shirt and held him in place with the other one, Brian saw red. With a quick nod to someone, Brian had two bouncers moving towards them. Slamming the drinks back on the bar, he pushed his own way through the crowd, not caring when he yelled at Deb to get out of the fucking way.

But when he got there, the guy who'd been groping Justin was curled up on the floor, hands cupped over his groin.

Justin glared down at him. "I said *no*, you piece of shit!"

The bouncers arrived two seconds later along with Ben, who'd evidently seen what'd been happening.

"Get this fuckhead out of here," Brian ordered, more relieved than ever that Justin could take care of himself. "And make sure he knows he's banned for life."

When the guy was hoisted away - he may have been big, but so were Brian's bouncers - Brian turned towards Justin. "Are you-?"

"I'm fine," Justin insisted. "He didn't hurt me or anything. I'm just angry. Just because he's this big guy he thinks he can do whatever the fuck he wants. Well, fuck that."

Biting back a smile, Brian tugged Justin towards him. "Well, you showed him."

"Yeah," Justin agreed, holding himself a little more stiffly than usual, but slowly beginning to relax. "I guess I did."

That, of course, was the moment everyone else popped up - the mom's demanding to know if everyone was okay (and subsequently giving Justin a hug), Ben checking that Justin was fine. Mikey practically bounced up to them.

"I missed it but Ben told me what happened - you totally took that guy down!"

"He was a shithead," Justin explained.

"I'm glad you're okay," Mikey said. "Maybe we can use this in the comic? Oh!" He faced Brian. "And Ben told me how totally pissed you looked when you saw what was happening. Maybe we can put that in the comic, too. You always did have a temper."

"I beg your fucking pardon?" Brian asked. "I do not."

"Yeah, you do," Mikey snorted, and by then Ted and Emmett were there and nodding knowingly. Christ. "Especially when it's someone you care about being threatened - shit, how many times did you protect me from the bullies at school?"

"That was a long time ago, Mikey."

"So? You'd kick their asses. It was like nothing could stop you. You'd go into this...this..."

"Christ," Brian interrupted, "fine, use whatever the fuck you want for the comic, just stop fucking *talking* about it." With that, he grabbed Justin's hand and tugged him away so they could have some relative privacy.

They were nearly at the other side of the dance floor - Brian had just seen Phil and Rick in a corner, laughing - when Justin pulled against his hand, dragging him somewhere.

"Brian!" he yelled, grinning, seemingly past the jerk who'd more than groped him, as he climbed up onto an empty dance platform.

Brian would have to look into that. There was supposed to be hired dancers dancing on this thing all night.

And then he realised exactly what it was Justin wanted him to do.

Shaking his head, he groaned and mumbled as he climbed up next to him, but Justin didn't seem to buy it, grinning widely as they resumed their earlier bump and grind. It was the only kind of club 'dancing' that Brian could really do, but Justin didn't seem to mind, kissing him and laughing and generally making Brian think it was okay to act like an idiot.

And it was fucking weird, looking out at the crowd over Justin's shoulder, seeing his best friends and complete strangers, knowing that this was where it all began.

And when Justin tickled his side to get his attention back, Brian pinched his ass, earning a slap on the arm. Laughing, Brian kissed him, and knew that this - not Babylon, or the thumpa thumpa, but Justin's warm, firm lips - was where it'd end.


When he walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom later that night, Justin was waiting for him, naked.

Holding the two grooms from the 'wedding' cake.

Blinking, Brian frowned, not sure if he should be worried or not by exactly what Justin was planning.

He needn't have worried.

"Come on," Justin grinned, kneeling up on the bed and holding a groom in each hand. "Let's have a foursome."


fic, qaf fic

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