Stargate: Atlantis, 3.12 - Echoes

Nov 28, 2006 13:27

Ohhh! Is this a sequel?? Eeee!

"Sweet." Ha!

Haha, bitchy

"He was like this all night, you know. Very agitated. It scared me." Bwa.

Ohh, Ronon's in more of a mood than usual.



Like Teyla's outfit.

"Elizabeth! Did you get my e-mail?"
"Which e-mail? One of the seven today, or one of the eighteen yesterday?"

"Short, bullet points."
"It was 26 pages long!"

Ohh! Teyla KICKS ASS!

Dude, he looks so huge walking next to her.

"How long have you been standing there?"
"An hour or so."
"What! Why didn't you say so?" Hee.

AWWW! He's watching for his friend! Bless!

"You ask me, it's too much meditation."

Ohhh, eeee, he ran off to tell Shep all about his whale!


"You named him after Samantha Carter?"
"Well, Sam's a boy's name too."

"The males have a rather prominent-"
"Oh, I see. Never mind."

"So, these whales...did the Ancient's say they're good eating?"
"Oh, you wouldn't."
"I would."

Heightmeyer! New hair!

"Stop calling him that."
"It's creepy!"

You knoooow it's gonna go wrong.

MEEP! Nose bleeding!

AHHH! Rodney!

"It's the whales!"

"Rodney, we know!"

"Canadian football league's a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!"

"Okay...Meredith." Bwa!

AHAHAHA, he put his hand up!

"All sorts of tree-huggy stuff."

"He's taking a while - a lot longer than he usually takes."
"He can hear you, you know."
"Yeah, we know."

Macarena, hahaha.


"You are hopeless."
"Yeah, I know."


"Maybe I knew we needed all three because I too am able to sense trouble on the horizon."
"Just like a pigeon."

Rodney's drawing, hahaha.

I'm not sure I buy the plan, but who cares?? ;)

"No! Thank you!" Bwahaha.

"Hit me with that." Heeee.

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