all I want for Christmas is rent

Dec 06, 2009 20:40

So it turns out it’s December and I still don’t have a job, which means I’m going to be about a hundred bucks short when rent comes up.

This is bad, for obvious reasons--my roommates no more have the cash to allow me to freeload than I have the cash to cover that hundred bucks. I could probably beg an emergency loan off a relative, but my mother still hasn’t forgiven me for applying for food stamps so I don’t know how well that’d really go in the long run (okay, actually I do, and the answer is “Chernobyl”).

Therefore! I am now taking COMMISSIONS, starting from five dollars. Anybody who likes having me on the Internet is encouraged to buy, due to my next money-raising scheme involving selling personal belongings of which my computer is obviously the most valuable. *sheepish cough*

Every little bit helps, since even five bucks means I’ll be able to afford to buy cat food when it’s my turn to feed the kitties, and I’ll guarantee all commissions paid for by December 20th will be finished by Christmas, for those of you looking for holiday gifts. In the event you need a rush job for some reason or miss the deadline but still want it by Christmas, I’ll charge a little extra but I’ll do my level best to accommodate you.

For further art samples (i.e. ones I spent more than twenty minutes on), you can check out my devArt page.

If you want a background, it’s price-negotiable depending on what you’re after--something very simple I probably won’t charge more than five bucks for, but if you’re wanting, say, the main console of a space station or a coral reef teeming with little fishies then expect a fair increase in price. I will also do character reference sheets and comic pages, but those will again be price-negotiable depending on the complexity of what you want.

I won’t draw mechas/Gundams/Transformers/any character who’s ninetysome-percent visibly machine; trust me, you wouldn’t want to pay for the results anyway. Anthros and animals are fine, however, and I’ll draw nudity or erotica for anyone whose LJ or devArt profile explicitly states them as eighteen or over, but I won’t do explicit porn; if you don’t know the difference, ask and I’ll be glad to clarify. Blood and violence is also okay, but no torture-porn; again, if you don’t know the difference, I’ll be glad to clarify.

Any questions, please ask in a comment and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. If you’re interested in a commission, please contact me at Payment will be accepted through PayPal.

art snob, real life is not for the faint of heart

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