"Where's that crazy girl, you don't get drunk on red wine and fight no more."

Dec 09, 2009 21:01

Commissions are still open! I've promised out a few slots so far, but depending on what people want I should be able to handle at least another three. It's Christmas, bbs! Put your annual dose of commercialism to good use and keep a girl in out of the cold!

On an unrelated subject, last night I totally dreamed that Jet turned up NOT DEAD AFTER ALL in season four, all unarmored and well-adjusted and incredibly dorky total-wish-fulfillment like that, and I was so excited to go tell the internet "HAH, HE MADE IT AFTER ALL!" XD

Except I didn't want to give anyone spoilers, of course, so I held back. Apparently I have excellent netiquette even in my subconscious.

The eggs, they are new!

feed the babies!!!, rin is a big damn fangirl, art snob

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