Title: Whites of the Eyes
Author: Mai
Pairing/Characters: Caspian/Susan
Word Count: 257 words
Rating: G
Summary: The whites of the eyes had to be seen before Caspian could make his move.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Characters belong to C.S. Lewis.
Note: This drabble was written in response to the Drabble Challenge #3: White at
susancaspian. Unbeta'ed.
Caspian was long taught to never attack until the whites of his target's eyes could be seen. So he held steady and checked his desire to make his move.
Days passed, but he was no where closer to his target. He twisted and turned, trying to sidestep all of the people clamoring for his attention and preventing him from reaching his goal. It seemed that everyone wanted to discuss this issue or that, and now that he was king, he couldn't ignore them all and chase after his target, which was what he truly wanted to do.
There were moments when his target was just in reach, but his finger tips would merely graze wisps of silk, which would quickly disappear into nothingness.
When days melted away, Caspian's desperation spun out of control. Ignoring all rules and propriety, he decided to finally corner his target. Waiting for everyone to settle into bed for the night, he left his chambers and prowled through the hallways of the castle until he reached the right door. Then he knocked and watched as it opened.
"Caspi-," Susan began.
But Caspian had to make his move as soon as he saw the whites of her eyes. He successful cut her off and didn't let up until her lips were ruby red and they were both breathless. With that mission accomplished, he turned away from a bewildered Susan and made his way back to his room.
This drabble is a result of a whim, and I was in a silly mood when I began writing the piece. I hope you enjoyed reading through one of my whimsical silliness!