Jul 04, 2010 23:43

Length: (Must be complete except for Epic)

--Best Overall Super-Short (100-500 words)
Never Forgotten
, by Manzana (308 w)
Left Behind, by anissa7118 (371 w)
Restarting the Planet, by KlynneL (415 w)
The Consequences of Teaching a Woman to Fish, by rizny (100 w)

--Best Overall Ficlet (500-2,000 words)

Language of the Heart, by rizny (1,947 w)
Clark and Mobsters Prefer Pink, by starrylites (2,000 w)
Whataya Want from Me?, by saavikam77 (1,446 w)
Starry Night, by Nefertiri's Handmaiden (~1,300 w)
Sheer Will, by saavikam77 (655 w)

--Best Overall Short (2,000-10,000 words)

Keep Me Awake, by brdwaybebe / ChristyCat (2,292 w)
Read My Mind: Twenty Years Ago, by kalalanekent & anissa7118 (4,185 w)
Fifteen Days, by AmeliaFaulks (7,174 w)
A Christmas Home, by Farsight020 (3,319 w)
Come Back to Me, by babettew54 (~2,100 w)

--Best Overall Mid-Length (10,000-50,000 words)

Poison, by repmetsyrrah (34,122 w)
You Found Me, by RouthFan (~12,800 w)
Life Intervenes, by Wahoogal06 (~23,000 w)
SR Healing Hearts, by babettew54 (30,433 w)

--Best Overall Epic (50,000 words plus)
Heirs to the House of El, by kalalanekent & anissa7118 (~370K w WIP)
Revelations, by repmetsyrrah (~103K w WIP)
Period of Adjustment, by babettew54 (~77K w complete)
Dark Knight of the Soul, by Larbo (~64K w complete)
Identity Crisis, by mak5258 (~217K w complete)

Genres: (Any length or WIP can be nominated in these categories)

--Best Fluff
In Another Lifetime: Ever, Ever After (Epilogue), by kalalanekent & anissa7118
No Place Like Home, by saavikam77
The Moments In Between by brdwaybebe / ChristyCat
When You Call, by repmetsyrrah
Purely by Accident, by starrylites

--Best Action
Heirs to the House of El, by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Shattered Illusions, by KlynneL
Identity Crisis, by mak5258
Underground, by sean montgomery
Dark Knight of the Soul, by Larbo

--Best Angst/Drama
Better to Hope, by repmetsyrrah
Heirs to the House of El, by kalalanekent & anissa7118
One Breath, One Touch, by kalalanekent
Final Embers At The End Of Days, by dandello / SHADO Librarian
Whataya Want from Me?, by saavikam77
Keep Me Awake, by brdwaybebe / ChristyCat

--Best Humor
Heirs to the House of El: Illogically Iconic, by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Waking Up in Vegas, by saavikam77
The Consequences of Teaching a Woman to Fish, by rizny
Music of the Spheres: Pain is Inevitable, Suffering is Optional, by mithen
Two Out of Three, by brdwaybebe / ChristyCat

--Best Family-Oriented
Heirs to the House of El, by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Revelations, by repmetsyrrah
Love Story, by repmetsyrrah
For the Love of Lois, by dandello / SHADO Librarian
Life Intervenes, by Wahoogal06
Survival of the Species, by Jedi-Bant / Jord-El

Pairings: (Any length or WIP)

--Best Clois Romance
Eleven Pink Roses, by Perkulator
Language of the Heart, rizny
Friends with Benefits, Parts 1 & 2, by kabuki_party
Keep Me Awake, by brdwaybebe / ChristyCat
Proximity, by RouthFan
Life Intervenes, by Wahoogal06

--Best Non-Clois Het Romance
Jason/Elise, Heirs to the House of El, by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Jonathan/Martha, Wish Upon a Falling Star, by anissa7118
Evelyn/Jason, Revelations, by repmetsyrrah
Jimmy/Chloe, Life Intervenes, by Wahoogal06
Jor-El/Lara, Both Alike In Dignity, by Beatrice Otter

--Best Slash/Femslash Romance
Clark/Bruce, Olive Branches, by Saavikam77
Clark/Richard, Go and Come Back, by Kirax2
Lana/Lois, The Darker Side of the Glass: Pompeii, by lanalois4ever
Jonathan/Ben, Blood Brothers, by anissa7118
Clark/Tony Stark, Men in Suits, by kirax2

Moments: (Any length or WIP)

--Best Kiss

Little Secrets Snapshot: Lighter than Air, by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Wish Upon a Falling Star, by anissa7118
Shattered Illusions, Chapter 10, by KlynneL
Proximity, Chapter 15, by RouthFan
Fait Accompli, Prologue, by brdwaybebe / ChristyCat

--Best Love Scene

Keep Me Awake, by brdwaybebe / ChristyCat
Heirs to the House of El, Chapter 40: Carnival of Rust, Part 1, by kalalanekent & anissa7118
One Breath, One Touch, by kalalanekent
This Strange Effect, by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Shattered Illusions, Chapter 10, by KlynneL
His Fault, by kabuki_party

--Best Cliffhanger

Heirs to the House of El, by kalalanekent & anissa7118, Chapter 42: Come What May
Heirs to the House of El, by kalalanekent & anissa7118, Chapter 36: In the Path of the Tempest 
What Hurts the Most, by brdwaybebe / ChristyCat
Fait Accompli, by brdwaybebe / ChristyCat, Chapter 1: Peering Into Darkness
Revelations, by repmetsyrrah, Chapter 14

--Best Reveal

Go and Come back, by kirax2
Heirs to the House of El, by kalalanekent & anissa7118, Chapter 37: King Takes Queen
No Real Secret, by Pony R
Revelations, Chapter 1, by repmetsyrrah
A Christmas Revelation, by Bellarata

--Best Parenting (not limited to Clark or Lois with Jason, could also include OCs or the previous generation, i.e. Jor-El or Jonathan Kent with Clark)

Heirs to the House of El, by kalalanekent & anissa7118, Chapter 44: Kiss The Past Goodbye
Lessons, by repmetsyrrah
Sweet and Sour, by katshakespeare
Love Story, by repmetsyrrah
Life Intervenes, by Wahoogal06, Chapter 5
Over the Rainbow, by repmetsyrrah

--Best One Liner

“Wouldn't that be a great headline: Superman Exposed, Man of Steel Wrecks Plane, Kills Wife's Ex-Fiancé.”, On Wings of Steel, by kalalanekent & anissa7118
“This was Clark, her friend, Superman, her lover, the father of their son. He was impervious to bullets and belonged in the sky, not balancing a thin line between life and death in a hospital bed.”, You Found Me, Chapter 2, by RouthFan
“After the first five minutes of Clark handling [the airplane controls] feather-light, [Richard had] amended, 'Touch it like a woman you really, really love, Clark. I know for a fact Lois likes it a little firmer than that.'”, On Wings of Steel, by kalalanekent and anissa7118
“That was one time, and it was only because it was laundry week! And so sue me if I was a little star-struck talking to a man who could fly! Besides, would you have rather I'd gone commando during our first interview?”, Life Intervenes, Chapter 5, by Wahoogal06
“You had an entire alien civilization's history and technology downloaded into your brain? Do you come complete with a USB port?”, Identity Crisis: Yesteryear, by mak5258

--Best Ending (for completed fic)
Two Heartbeats, by saavikam77
In Another Lifetime: Ever, Ever After (Epilogue), by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Lana, by AmeliaFaulks
Underground, by Sean Montgomery
Better to Hope, by repmetsyrrah

Techniques: (Any length or WIP; consider the fic as a whole for these categories, as opposed to moments)

--Best Dialogue

Twenty Questions (part 4 of the Pillow Talk series), by Alphie / alphielj
Clark and Mobsters Prefer Pink, by starrylites
Waking Up In Vegas, by saavikam77
Shattered Illusions, by KlynneL
Whispering Bells, by Ame Ulan

--Best Description

Fait Accompli, by brdwaybebe / ChristyCat
Keep Me Awake, by brdwaybebe / ChristyCat
Shattered Illusions, by KlynneL
Proximity, by RouthFan
What is Lost in the Mists of Time, by dandello / SHADO Librarian
Heirs to the House of El, by kalalanekent & anissa7118

--Best Plotting

Heirs to the House of El, by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Revelations, by repmetsyrrah
Proximity, by RouthFan
Period of Adjustment, by babettew54

--Best Canon Characterization (vote for the fic that you feel best captures the canon characters - Lois, Clark, etc)

Clark and Mobsters Prefer Pink, by starrylites
Read My Mind: Twenty Years Ago, by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Life Intervenes, by Wahoogal06
Victory Celebration, by saavikam77
Proximity, by RouthFan

--Best Use of Supporting Characters

Heirs to the House of El, by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Revelations, by repmetsyrrah
Proximity, by RouthFan
Final Embers at the End of Days, by dandello / SHADO Librarian
Happy Hour at Dulin's Bar, by dandello / SHADO Librarian

Characters: (Any length or WIP)

--Best Villain

Zod, Heirs to the House of El, by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Evil Superman, This Strange Effect: Under My Skin, Part 1, by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Luthor, Heirs to the House of El, by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Brad Wilson, Victory Celebration and Better This Way, by saavikam77

--Best Original Character

Chris Kent, Revelations, by repmetsyrrah
Elise Thorne, Heirs to the House of El, by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Dean Kent, Revelations, by repmetsyrrah
Haley Kent, Life Intervenes, by Wahoogal06

Other Bests: (Any length or WIP)

--Best WIP of any length

Fait Accompli, by brdwaybebe / ChristyCat
Revelations, by repmetsyrrah
Proximity, by RouthFan
A Most Precious Gift, by Wahoogal06
Whispering Bells, by Ame Ulan

--Best Completed fic of any length

Language of the Heart, by rizny
Sober, by kalalanekent
Underground, by Sean Montgomery
Life Intervenes, by Wahoogal06
A Christmas Home, by Farsight020

--Best Series (two or more works in the same related 'universe', sequel or otherwise - what appear to be single links go to index pages or tag groupings)
With Fortune’s Hand, by saavikam77
The Moments in Between, by brdwaybebe / ChristyCat
A Perfect Symphony, Amidst a Sea of Gray, and An Old Question, by saavikam77
Little Secrets Snapshots, this year’s entries, by kalalanekent and anissa7118
Searching Universe, by Wahoogal06, (Life Intervenes & A Most Precious Gift)
Time After Time ( Need You Now and Live Like We’re Dying), by kalalanekent

People: (Last year’s winner may be nominated in these categories)

--Best Overall Author


Kalalanekent & Anissa7118



--Best Beta


Mark Clark

--Best Reviewer






2010, final ballot

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