The Friday Five Scroll-back (July 30)

Sep 05, 2021 08:52

It doesn't seem like we are getting a new one this weekend and I feel like writing today so I've gone back in the posts for this one.

What's your favorite color this week?
My go-to favorite color is Magenta. I really enjoy reds, oranges and yellows though - esp in spring and fall (and we are getting there!!<3). They (orange/yellow) were also ( Read more... )

the friday five, meme

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Comments 5

yeuxdebleu September 5 2021, 18:10:28 UTC
That video is so cute. Hana is simply adorable


supernutjapan September 6 2021, 03:29:15 UTC
I'm happy you enjoyed it <3<3


roxymissrose September 7 2021, 00:04:23 UTC
they all gather together one night under a full moon, do a little dance around the trees as they scatter the teeth and bury them and as they dance, the trees grow up, up and up into beautiful fully grown trees.

I would have been much more interested in the whole baby teeth thing if this had been the myth, lol!


supernutjapan September 7 2021, 01:17:33 UTC
I´m happy you like the thought💓
Much better than eating them, or using them to make something *shudders*
When I was a kid, I didn't really care. It was all about the money LOL


casey28 September 15 2021, 18:00:25 UTC
I love your choice of colors! Magenta is a favorite, but I also love fall colors.

Aww, Hana is so cute in the rain.

What a beautiful tooth story. I can visualize the ritual, as the toothfairies do their little dance. :)


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