The Friday Five for Aug 27

Sep 01, 2021 23:56

I totally got bogged down with RL last weekend.

Here are my answers:

1. If you could design your life exactly how you'd like, how famous would you be?I really would rather not be famous. Right now, I think I am sort of famous in my town because I do have around 120 students at my school, I am one of the few Caucasian foreigners and kids and ( Read more... )

the friday five, meme

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Comments 7

ellerkay September 2 2021, 17:10:38 UTC
I'm with you on #1. The idea of being famous is horrifying to me, lol. I don't think I'd handle it well at all. Especially nowadays with social media...ugh.


supernutjapan September 3 2021, 11:45:33 UTC
Yeah, it's pretty stressful I think. <3


yeuxdebleu September 3 2021, 00:09:12 UTC
Gosh, I had no idea you had so many students at your school. I thought it was smaller than that. Do you have all the teachers you need?


supernutjapan September 3 2021, 11:47:17 UTC
Yeah, well, it's different from a regular school - it's a language school where students come once a week, so there are bound to be more students. Yes, we have the teachers we need for now :D


yeuxdebleu September 3 2021, 16:30:48 UTC
Oh, OK. I didn't realize the students came only once a week.


julchen11 September 4 2021, 08:52:36 UTC
#1 - I'm totally with you...
I love your answers :-)
a new hobby... hmmm... I think there's so much we'd like to do already, on my part there's simply no time for something new...


supernutjapan September 4 2021, 12:12:37 UTC
Thanks for reading <3<3

True, we are quite busy already!


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