The Friday Five for Aug 27

Sep 01, 2021 23:56

I totally got bogged down with RL last weekend.

Here are my answers:

1. If you could design your life exactly how you'd like, how famous would you be?
I really would rather not be famous. Right now, I think I am sort of famous in my town because I do have around 120 students at my school, I am one of the few Caucasian foreigners and kids and parents talk. I never know when I step out the door who is watching and judging my actions. I often feel it when I decide to jaywalk or happen to get upset while in a public place, and it definitely makes me uncomfortable. I can't imagine the pressure of being even more famous than I am.

2. How often would you travel?
I would travel at least once, maybe twice a year. My husband and I used to talk about how it would be nice to be able to spend spring and summer in B.C. Canada, and fall and winter in Tokyo, because it would be nice to get out of Tokyo during the rainy season in June and the muggy summer, and then come back when B.C. has it's rainy season in the winter. Tokyo is so nice and dry in the winter!

My mother lives in Canada, and it would be so nice to be able to visit her regularly.

3. How many people would live with you?
It's nice to have my three kids around, but I wouldn't mind being on my own with a pet as long as there were people close by. I used to dream of living like a hermit in a cabin in the woods, but now I think I would get lonely after a while.

4. How often would you eat out at restaurants?

I enjoy cooking and don't usually feel the need now to go out. Anniversaries and birthdays are quite enough.

5. What new hobby would you get into?

Pottery might be nice, glasswork like stained glass is fun too, but I haven't really found anything new to get obsessed about. If anything comes along, you can be sure that I will pursue it.

the friday five, meme

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