Crisis on Infinite Earths II, III

Dec 26, 2019 23:51

I finally finished part III on the Flash and OMG the thing that had me squealing and laughing enough to get all teary:

[Spoiler (click to open)]

Black lighting was cool too but that took the cake. I would have never imagined such a crossover.

Anyone seen them? What did you think?

cross fandom fun, tom ellis, tv, the flash, crisis on infinite earths, lucifer the show, lucifer

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Comments 11

oneill December 30 2019, 02:39:40 UTC
I LOVE this crossover most aside from when Invasion! aired. This one has been epic.
Though I was thoroughly disappointed in Tom's return. But Lucifer's cameo more then
made up for it, at least he was awesome and useful to the teams. Shame he doesn't
have his comic book abilities. They should of kept Lucifer longer then the cameo.

Loving Mia Smoak, I may have to go back and watch those Arrow episodes. I loved Kat
more as Mia then as Clary in Shadowhunters. I hated what they did to Oliver, but I guess
from what I have read in comments it's part of the comics storyline? I've never read them.
I just hate we have to wait till next year in January sometime to see the last two.

Never watched Black Lightening, so was worried when they said he would be in it, figured
I would have to catch an episode of his. But he was pretty cool. Mick is freaking awesome.
Brandon was icing on a cake, I always love his rendition as Superman, always wanted a
sequel to Superman Returns. And yay another Lucifer fan! -Hugs-.


supernutjapan December 30 2019, 09:01:19 UTC
Yay! I'm glad you are enjoying it too and Lucifer!

I'd never watched Black Lightning either but they did a good job of it. I know! two more eps to come!
Mia was a surprise - the image of her as Clary is so ingrained, it is hard for me to see the difference LOL It was good to see her though and she looked good with a bow and arrow :) I've not read the comics either. But Oliver stayed in Purgatory to save the world, right? So that means, we may see him again??

I was wondering how they were going to get the Flash out of his pinch, and not quite convinced but glad we still have him :D


oneill December 30 2019, 20:56:42 UTC
Loving it thus far, though I hated Oliver's part but it was understandable. I keep watching Lucifer waiting for season 5.

Same almost make me like the character during the time he was on the show, I may have to try and find it on the CW app and see if they have the episodes or somewhere else.

With me it is easy, I prefered Mia to Clary. I only liked Kat's Clary during the end of season 2. She was just to whiney and demanding for me in season 1 to like the character or the acting. Yup Alec would be proud, lol. Yp seems like it. I agree with comments, that purgatory looked an awful lot like Supernatural's purgatory set. Hoping so at least for cameos or something, even flashbacks would be fine.

Same, sucks about the dad doppelganger, but glad it wasn't Barry. Love Barry/Grant too much for him to be gone yet.


supernutjapan December 31 2019, 04:00:40 UTC
Oh man, I know what you mean about Clary being whiny 😆A lot of women heros seem to be as I mention in my next post. She does get better, though, which is a relief.


jj1564 December 31 2019, 00:12:19 UTC
It's not been shown yet here, so I'm skipping this post but I am really looking forward to it, especially seeing Tom Welling!


supernutjapan December 31 2019, 04:01:23 UTC
You will LOVE ep 3😆😆😆


ellerkay January 10 2020, 21:49:41 UTC
Oh my goodness YES, I laughed so hard even though I only saw a little of the show! He and John Constantine were great. There needs to be fic about them. :P

I wasn't crazy about the first part of the crossover (big action sequences tend to bore me and I had trouble paying enough attention to follow what was going on) but I enjoyed the other two, especially all the cameos. Brandon Routh as Superman was particularly fun for me. And I laughed so hard when Cisco kept complaining about "Anti-Monitor" being a dumb name because I'd been saying the exact same thing. XD


supernutjapan January 17 2020, 03:17:47 UTC
That part was the best XD I agree.
Yeah, I wasn't thrilled either. It was just ok - I guess because I wasn't invested with all the characters and it seemed like action for the sake of action and nothing else. The last two were so much better.


ellerkay January 17 2020, 18:48:00 UTC
Have you watched parts 4 and 5 yet? I have things to say but I don't want to spoil you!


supernutjapan January 18 2020, 02:00:42 UTC
Yes! I talk about it here


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