Fic: A Heart to Heart with God

May 03, 2019 22:35

Title: A Heart to Heart with God
Rating: GWord Count: 849
Setting: During 11-23 Alpha and Omega, while both Chuck and Cas are out cold on the floor of the warehouse after battling Amara.
Summary: Cas gets his talk with Dad.

Notes:This is something I had the idea for back when I was writing my review for The Born-Again Identity and watching Alpha ( Read more... )

spn, castiel, chuck, cas, fan-fic, fic, season 11

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Comments 5

borgmama1of5 May 3 2019, 17:42:25 UTC
I would have believed in this scenario before the finale of season 14.

But now I don't think Chuck would have been so benevolent. He let Cas loose for the sake of seeing how Cas would spice up the story, not because he cared about Cas :(


supernutjapan May 3 2019, 23:35:25 UTC
Yeah, you can read Chuck at face value or read it knowing him from Season 14 which is quite the satire and a bit depressing maybe. I made sure to keep double meanings. Of course he loves Cas because of what he does for the story. Season 11 Chuck wouldn't have said that though and it doesn't make Cas any less special. And I just really wanted Cas to be able to have his moment. In my scenario, Chuck did too, whether it was to put Cas's mind at ease and encourage him, or... to look benevolent and make a good impression on the reader ... or both 😆

Thank you for reading ❤️❤️❤️


ellerkay May 3 2019, 20:46:56 UTC
I love this! I like seeing this side of Chuck again, which I hope and possibly think wasn't exactly a lie. (Thoughts for a post, perhaps...) Castiel's guilt and Chuck's forgiveness is lovely. The hug is SO CUTE! I honestly gasped and put my hand to my mouth with how adorable it was. XD And Chuck with Busty Asian Beauties is absolutely hilarious and so perfectly in-character, lololol. Great work! <3


supernutjapan May 4 2019, 00:04:41 UTC
No, I don't think it was a lie, it was just one part of the truth. Anyone who writes should know the complicated feelings of a writer toward his/her characters vs. the desire to write an epic story even if it means a ton of angst to the characters, because we love it! And Cas's mistakes are part of what made the story interesting... or made the story period. Of course he forgives him.

Chuck shouldn't have shown his glee to his characters, that is all. But, maybe making himself the villain was part of the plan as well. It's his story afterall.

Anyway, this scene is for Cas. And Chuck, whether he has ulterior motives or not, is cooperating even if I have to wring it out of him when he's on his deathbed LOL, because I'm the writer here 😆 So happy you enjoyed the moment ❤️


supernutjapan May 4 2019, 00:21:31 UTC
PS I really love that you liked the hug and BAB ending. I wanted to make the ending light hearted(funny if possible), and it took me a long time to work it out 😆


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