Fic: A Heart to Heart with God

May 03, 2019 22:35

Title: A Heart to Heart with God
Rating: GWord Count: 849
Setting: During 11-23 Alpha and Omega, while both Chuck and Cas are out cold on the floor of the warehouse after battling Amara.
Summary: Cas gets his talk with Dad.

Notes:This is something I had the idea for back when I was writing my review for The Born-Again Identity and watching Alpha and Omega, the finale for Season 11. It always bothered me how Cas did not react at all to Chuck when he met him after Lucifer left him. He did not act surprised to see Chuck, nor did he show any reaction to the fact that he was God, his father. He was never told that Chuck was God, and yet he acted like he knew it the moment he awoke. More importantly though, Cas was never given the chance to question Chuck, like all the other characters.  Metatron, Lucifer, Dean and Sam were all given a chance to talk to Chuck on their own, but not Cas. So I wrote this to rectify that, then watched the finale again and realized that the damn writers did not give me any way to get Cas alone with Chuck! NONE. So, I improvised.

A Heart to Heart with God
Cas was happily watching Netflix in his mind when he felt an enormous force blow through him and rip Lucifer right out of his body. He suddenly found himself standing in front of a bedroom door in the bunker, his hand poised to knock.

“Come in, Castiel.” A voice called from inside. He hesitated, his hand wavering in the air in front of him, then he slowly brought it down to turn the knob and open the door.

The room was dark except for the light of a lamp glowing softly around a figure who sat reading a magazine on the bed. The figure wore a worn khaki jacket and blue jeans and his sneaker-ed feet were crossed lengthwise on the bed. Curly golden blond hair peeked over the magazine. As he watched, the magazine was lowered and kind blue eyes looked directly into his.

“Chuck?” Cas looked wonderingly at the man that died with him so long ago.

“Hello, Son.” Chuck said weakly, then glowed. It was a weak glow but enough for Cas to recognize him for who he really was.

“Father. It was you all along.” Cas walked slowly toward the bed, his eyes wide and disbelieving. “You are in my head, aren’t you. Why do you seem so weak?”

“We were both in a battle with my sister, the Darkness, and I'm wounded. We have a little bit of time while we are both unconscious, so I wanted to check up on you. It seems Lucifer is gone, which is good.”

Cas fell to his knees by the bed, his hands clasped in supplication, his face downcast and troubled.

“Father, I have sinned. I have made so many mistakes. Arrogant mistakes.” Cas’s voice wavered as he spoke. “I took on the souls of purgatory, thinking I could become you, and that I could fix things in heaven. Instead, I brought Leviathan to earth and killed so many of my brothers and sisters. Then I put my faith in the wrong person and made the angels fall. When I said yes to Lucifer, I was only trying to help, but I worry that it also may have been a mistake. I am so sorry father.” In desperation, he looked up into that kind face again. “After all I have done, how would you not smite me on sight?”

“Castiel,” his Father rested a hand gently on his shoulder. “I have already forgiven you for all of these things. Yes, you overstepped yourself, yes you did things that hurt others - your brothers and sisters in Heaven as well as Sam and Dean and my creation on Earth, and it was wrong. But you have prayed to me many times since then asking for forgiveness and it has been given. And, don’t you think for a moment that I cannot work everything to the best of those that place their faith in me. The deaths of the angels were not in vain and even the Leviathan served a purpose. ”

“Thank you, Father.” Cas said gravely, then bit his lip in thought. “Father, did you bring me back from the dead those times I was killed by archangels, by Lucifer and by the Leviathan?”

“Yes, Castiel, I did,” He answered sighing, as he rested back on the pillow wearily.

“Why? I thought, when Joshua told us to stop looking for you, that you did not care what happened to us.”

“I cared. But you had to do it without me. I’m sorry for your pain, Castiel,” he said softly.

Cas nodded silently.

“I brought you back because you are special; different from all the other angels. Not like Lucifer who thinks he is better than all my creation, not like the other angels who don’t know how to handle free choice. You have always been different. I’ve watched you through the ages, continually rebelling against the cold rule of the archangels upstairs and always siding with the the ones I loved with all my heart despite all the times you were reprogrammed You out of all the angels chose to team with Sam and Dean. And when you gave your life for them there with me, I knew that you would continue to love and help them. Learn from them Castiel, and you have unlimited potential to change and evolve into something I cannot even imagine.”

“Of course, Father. I promise. I will always love and help Sam and Dean and your creation. I have already learned so much… Thank you.” Cas answered earnestly.

“Good. You’re welcome.” Chuck closed his eyes as he rested back.

Cas stood up and then looked down thoughtfully at the being sitting on the bed before him.

“There is one thing I learned from Sam and Dean that I feel might be appropriate at this time.”

God openned his eyes. “What is that?”

Cas bent down and wrapped his arms around him.

“Oh!” God froze for a heartbeat, then hesitantly put his arms around Cas’s shoulders and patted him awkwardly, “Ah… thank you Castiel,” he coughed.

As Cas backed out of range, God quickly added with a nod and smile, “Good talk,” then picked up the vintage Busty Asian Beauties magazine again and buried his head in it.

Cas felt someone tapping his shoulder from behind. As he turned and opened his eyes, he saw Dean peering down at him.


spn, castiel, chuck, cas, fan-fic, fic, season 11

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