Outlander 2-9 Je Suis Prest & 2-10 Prestonpans Thoughts

Jun 12, 2016 22:19

Amazingly enough, I actually found ep 10 before finding ep 9 as well and decided to do a double ep watch today.

My thoughts will be brief (er) -( Read the rest )

thoughts, screencaps, season02, outlander

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Comments 7

yeuxdebleu June 13 2016, 01:01:50 UTC
That scene with young John Grey.

He said his name was Willie Grey. (???)

I loved the way Claire is with Fergus in all their scenes. He's adorable.

I was so shocked by the death of Angus. I didn't see that coming at all.

I watched these two episodes back-to-back, too.


supernutjapan June 13 2016, 15:36:54 UTC
Ah... you caught me :P *scratches head* His name is John William Bertram Armstrong Grey, and he was going by William here, yes.

I loved the Claire/Fergus scenes too <3 I did not remember Angus' death either, and the way they did it was very unexpected.


yeuxdebleu June 14 2016, 00:54:57 UTC
If I remember correctly, Angus wasn't even in the books, was he? Or Rupert? I seem to remember some discussion about them being added back in season one, but I may be wrong.


supernutjapan June 14 2016, 06:47:01 UTC
There is an Angus and a Rupert in the books, but they are totally different characters - or at least not as developed.


roguem June 20 2016, 12:48:16 UTC
They've changed so much from the book. I wasn't prepared for the Grey scene in that setting so I didn't realize it was him until he said his name.
They've really cut a lot of the book, and while I don't mind a little less politics It has felt a bit of a slow move at the same time. I guess the budget won't alow for many battle scenes.
I dunno, I've been enjoying the episodes, though I felt the whole training episode could have been cut down to make room for other things.

I love the family moments, and it being clear that Fergus is now part of the family.


supernutjapan September 4 2016, 04:09:05 UTC
Darn, sorry I missed replying to this.

I was just rereading my posts and teared up reading my own post about the scene between Claire and Fergus LOL

I think I've given up on watching Outlander for now. I might get the DVDs and watch it later when I have the time.


roguem October 11 2016, 11:39:35 UTC
Pity that you're leaving it, but I get it.
I was a bit encouraged when I read that they felt season 3 was easier to adapt. I'll keep watching. At this point I just enjoy spending time in the Outlander world.


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