Outlander 2-9 Je Suis Prest & 2-10 Prestonpans Thoughts

Jun 12, 2016 22:19

Amazingly enough, I actually found ep 10 before finding ep 9 as well and decided to do a double ep watch today.

My thoughts will be brief (er) -

Je Suis Prest - My most favorite part of the episode was the music.  Some awesome  bagpipes and songs during the training sessions for the soldiers.  Another good aspect of the ep was dealing with Claire's memories of WWII and her trauma from that. Definitely made me tear up. We also got the reason for the book and season name, Dragonfly in Amber.  Jamie promises that she will never be alone again... and yet he doesn't promise that he will be the one who will be there for her.  As he made Claire promise in Paris, he is preparing for her to go back to her time if they cannot stop Colloden.

Dougal being under Jamie's command was also very interesting.  I thought it was significant that Dougal got to charge the English next ep just the way he scared the soldiers here, using the advantage of surprise.  Jamie's talk to the soldiers about the necessity of moving in one, being diciplined as soldiers was not as inspirational as I had hoped.

Oh, I almost forgot!  That scene with young John Grey.  THAT was interesting.  Totally different from the book - I don't quite know why they changed it so that Claire took the innitiative from the beginning there instead of John assuming it first.  It was a good scene I guess, but I have a soft spot for the scene in the book which is a bit different - more humorous, teasing John for his gentlemanly conduct etc. and I didn't get that from his scene so I didn't enjoy it as much as I could have.  Loved Claire kicking Jamie in the groin, though :D

Some memorable scenes with screencaps -

The reunion scene was cute <3  They are family.

Fergus complains about Murtagh to Jamie :D

Jamie warning Dougal that he has to follow his orders or else.

Claire's PTSD

Jamie back from the raid on the English camp <3

Prestonpans - This one was so much better than the last. I also loved the way Jamie gave Dougal the idea to go in the "meadow," using him as well as giving him the satisfaction of proving himself to the Prince.

Loved that whole scene with everyone watching and the cheer as he came back.

Claire's scene with the guys before they leave for battle was very touching.  I especially loved Claire with Murtagh and Jamie.

CLAIRE: Watch out for Jamie.
MURTAGH: Always.

I also loved Jamie bowing to Claire as he leaves <3 :')

I liked Claire's inspirational speech to the women before the battle more than Jamie's speech last ep.

The attack through the fog was amazing.

CLAIRE: There is nothing else I can do.

Loved the scenes between Jamie and Claire, both before and after the battle.  The tears in her eyes and checking for wounds afterwards, and the urine sample scene!!!! Loved the Prince coming in in the middle of that as well LOL

Poor Fergus! I loved Claire's reaction, scolding him and telling him she'd box his ears for going out like that, and yet, worried for him and cradling him in her arms.  He is their son for all intents and purposes.  My emotions paralleled hers the whole way through that scene.

Dougal killing the wounded soldiers on the battlefield I think was pretty normal practice back in the day - probably considered humanitarian as well, since the wounds from weapons often lead to long agonizing death. Not that I disagree with the English soldiers being treated in the "hospital", but it is also interesting to think that it is the red cross and laws regarding humanitarianism during war that are actually said to lengthen wars in modern times.

I don't know how the soldiers felt about the Prince's speech about Englishmen being just as much his subjects bla bla, which Jamie warned him against and he declared in front of everyone anyway.  Jamie's suggestion to the Prince regarding Dougal was brilliant, as was Dougal's acknowledgement that Jamie thought like Colum (with his head LOL).

Angus was a dick, but I could not help begrudging him a kiss each time he asked for one from Claire (once last ep), and I teared up for his friend as he hugged Angus' sword.

It was a good ep. Three more eps to go!

thoughts, screencaps, season02, outlander

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