Outlander 2-4 La Dame Blanche Thoughts

May 01, 2016 23:11

I've been thinking a lot about the meaning in me writing out my thoughts/recap or sharing screencaps for this show. The poll by itself does not seem very necessary either, since the comm mod has one of her own.

So this week I'm just going to satisfy my own need to write for my records and maybe for the sweet roguem and any one of my other friends who ( Read more... )

thoughts, outlander

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Comments 2

roguem May 2 2016, 11:11:18 UTC
I must confess I find it easier to share my views on the episodes here than in the com. :D
I really enjoy your reviews.

I am rather disappointed by Outlander joining the shows and movies that perpetuate the notion that you can tell if a woman is a virgin. It's one of the things that will never cease to annoy me.

Other than that I enjoyed the episode. It does feel a bit like they're fast forwarding through the book though. But considering how much they have to fit into this season, and less episodes to do it in, I guess that's not so weird.

I'm very glad that Claire and Jamie finally managed to reconnect on a deeper level, and actually talk about some things.


supernutjapan May 2 2016, 12:14:21 UTC
Yay:D Thank you honey *hugs*

There are quite a few characteristics that *point* to virginity although most are not proof, and they most definitely cannot be used the other way around to prove the person is not a virgin either. I think the said brigand just assumed though and the show wasn't trying to say that he knew for sure (although we did already :P).

I remember just enough of this book that the fast-forwarding doesn't bother me as much LOL I'm just happy to see scenes and hear lines that I remember, if that makes sense. But I was still bothered by the fact that they changed the whole bit about the Monastery while Jamie was recovering last season and it was carried over to this season. Glad that was finally resolved though this ep and we can go on.


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