Outlander 2-4 La Dame Blanche Thoughts

May 01, 2016 23:11

I've been thinking a lot about the meaning in me writing out my thoughts/recap or sharing screencaps for this show. The poll by itself does not seem very necessary either, since the comm mod has one of her own.

So this week I'm just going to satisfy my own need to write for my records and maybe for the sweet roguem and any one of my other friends who watches and would like to share thoughts on it :)

I did enjoy the episode very much. It was an awesome episode. It made me laugh, it made me tear up and I was very glad I found the elusive file and was able to watch it. Of course the little speech by Jamie about his fortress sounded better in the book LOL but other than that, I don't think I have another complaint.

The chess scene talking about names was hilarious, Claire telling Jamie about Black Jack finally was a relief, Claire talking with Louise about abortion method and the danger was very meaningful in thinking of the kind of "choices" women had in that period, the hospital scene was gross but also awesome because we got to meet the executioner who will be important in the future and Mother Hildegard again complements "you are so much more than nothing."

Jamie was finally able to "build a lean-to" with Claire :D, the scene with Master Raymond brought us back to the question of why Claire was back in the future in our premier, the brigands scene was painful but so well-done. I especially loved that last shot of Claire hugging Mary to her protectively. The whole of the dinner scene was amazing from the introductions to the various little conversations - but especially Claire's "perhaps you should" when talking with Count Germain. That was just so perfect and exactly the way I imagined it!

thoughts, outlander

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