More of Living TV's UK promos

Feb 09, 2010 18:00

Apart from creating the ridiculously awesome Holy water posters and setting Marble Arch on fire, Living TV have been blitzing the UK with other Supernatural promos so I thought I would post the ones I have come across

This one was at Stepney Green tube station so I just had to get off the train and take a pic :)

This one was in yesterday's Metro newspaper and is one of my faves!

This was in todays Metro newspaper

They've also taken over the following websites which all have SPN related backgrounds

I saw some SPN banners on this site earlier but they seem to have disapppeared : (

Season 5 is due to air tomorrow so it wouldn't surprise me if Living TV step up their campaign for their  last day.  If I come across any more I'll be sure to take pics :)

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