Last round of Living TV's Supernatural promos :(

Feb 10, 2010 19:27

As expected today, Living TV had more goodies in store for us.

We had 4 (!!!) Supernatural adverts in todays Metro.  For the non Ukers, Metro is a free newspaper which is distributed at all major UK cities every morning .  You normally pick up your copy at the tube station and it has a daily circulation  of  over 1.3 million people.

This one was the very first one I saw.  Same as Mondays but with different text as Season 5 starts tonight

The next page had this one, again with the different text

Next page got even prettier, it had this half page advert

And ... as if that wasn't enough, this was in the TV listings

And to cap off my perfect day, on the way home there was a huge Supernatural billboard by the side of a busy road so I got off the bus to take a pic. Please excuse the crappyness of the photo- it was a revolving poster and it was snowing and  I had lost all feeling in my hands by the time I managed to get a decentish pic

Apparently there was also an advert in the Sun which is one of the tabloid newspapers

Living's Supernatural promotional campaign (projections, posters, tv adverts and the alternate reality game) has filled me with utter glee every day this week - it has been one of the most fun and cleverly executed  campaigns I have ever seen.  I noticed they have a Facebook page so if anyone wants to go tell them how utterly fabulous they are, I'm sure they'd love to hear it.  They also have some cool pics of the Marble Arch on fire projection  :)
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