Eric Fucking Kripke

Nov 09, 2007 18:57

devidarkwolf and I met Eric Kripke (and Joss Whedon!) at today's rally. I'll do my best to recount what he said but in bullet points because my brain is mush.

But first, can I just say how ADORABLE he is? He was so smiley and bouncy and sweet. I spotted him and looked at Devi and said, "Eric Kripke. Eric Kripke. Eric Kripke." (She was busy taking a picture.) Devi: "What?" Me: "Eric Kripke is RIGHT THERE." Her: "WHERE???" We took a minute to gather ourselves and then sauntered up to him.

He saw my sign and smiled as we approached. Me: "Did you hear the SPN fans have been sending fruit and granola bars to the writers picketing at Warner Brothers?" Kripke: "That was you?" Heh. (He heard about it??? Woot!) I introduced myself and explained I was just the delivery girl for a group of fans on Live Journal and that I was lucky enough to meet Sera, Ben, Cathryn, and Jeremy Thursday. He said something about how awesome they are and then added, "You met Ben?" Isn't he the best?"

- They are still in production. They have two scripts left to shoot and then they will be out of material. He hopes the strike will be resolved in the next couple of weeks so that they can air new eps in January without missing a beat. If the strike is resolved later, but not much later, they could end up with a shortened season. If it goes on for a long time... let's not talk about it.

- So far they have been able to keep their writers' assistants. A lot of shows have not been so lucky but Kripke said that he keeps telling the studio how much they are still needed in the office so that they can continue to get pay checks :D

- He wasn't a big fan of last night's ep. He gives it a B minus. LOL. (I have not seen it yet.) He said he had problems with the direction and that the script could have been better.

- He said next week's episode is AWESOME. (I think he used a more exciting adjective but I was so amazed to even be talking to him that my brain sometimes was too busy freaking out to imprint new memories.)

- He asked us how we have been liking the third season. Told us to be honest. I said the season has been picking up for me and that the last few eps have been my favorites, "Bad Day" and "Bedtime Stories" especially. He agreed with me and added "The Kids are Alright" to the list.

- He asked us what we thought about Bela and Ruby. Again, he tiled his head and kind of squinted and said, "You can be honest." Hee. I said I really liked Bela and the way that they introduced her. Devi said she likes both of them and that she was psyched when Ruby turned out to be a kickass demon. (I concurred.) Eric was pleased.

- We talked about how different the two new characters are from Jo and I told him that obviously as a Veronica Mars fan I loved seeing Alona Tal again but that she was just poorly cast in the role. He agreed that she was great, but not right for the part and then he told us that he interviewed VM writer Phil Klemmer for a staff writing position on SPN but how they lost him to Chuck.

- I asked him if he knew about the fandom implosion over Dean's, "Could you be anymore gay?" line and he said that he saw some of it when he was checking the net after the episode aired. (Devi mentioned later that we should have asked which sites he reads and pushed him in the direction of LJ.) He said he never intended to offend anyone and that he felt bad that he did. [Please don't use the comment function to tell me whether or not you were offended by the line. I mentioned it to Kripke because the fact is there was a heated discussion about it on two major sites where SPN fans congregate and I wanted to know if he heard about it. I don't want this post to become another place where people argue about whether or not it was offensive. You'll notice I didn't give my personal opinion on it. Thanks.]

I can not think of anymore bullet points right now but he said more than once that it was cool to know that fans of the show are supporting the strike. He said all they want to do is get back to work and write and shoot the rest of the season. He said they will be out at Warner again next week if we wanted to stop by. Then we both shook his hand and said good luck and smiled a lot and he left.

We walked away casually, whispering, "OMG! OMG!" to each other. When we were far enough away we started jumping up and down and screaming. It was pretty pure moment of awesome. Then we realized we forgot to take a picture of him :P

Read devidarkwolf's account at her journal.
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