Feeding the writers: UPDATE

Nov 08, 2007 22:26

So I went to Warner Brothers for a couple of hours today carrying a bag of granola bars from Supernatural fans and a sign that said "TV FANS SUPPORT THE WRITERS." I pasted a half sheet print-out of deathisyourart's "See no evil. Speak no evil. Hear no evil. WRITE NO EVIL!" flyer to each box so that even if they got separated from the bag I brought them in people would still know where they came from. I suck and did not take any pictures, but the WGA employee behind the food table at Gate 3 wrote down the slogan so that she could spread the word that SPN fans support the strike.

I started at Gate 5 because I heard that was where Sera Gamble was going to be, but she wasn't there. Luckily someone heard I was looking for them and told me that she met a blonde SPN writer named Cathryn (Humphris) earlier at Gate 2. I thanked here, said bye to everyone, and rushed down there before the shift-change. I spotted Sera right away. I held up the bag and showed her the flyer taped to the front and she gave me a big smile and a hug. She asked me if they were from the same people who sent the fruit earlier in the week. I said they were and that this would not be the last delivery as fans had already donated over $300. (Huge thanks to everyone who has donated money by the way!)

Sera called Cathryn Humphris, Ben Edlund, and Jeremy Carver over and introduced me to them. They all expressed their gratitude for the support and were just generally adorable. I told them that I was only one of many and just happened to be currently unemployed in Los Angeles. Ben laughed at the clever "WRITE NO EVIL!" slogan. Cathryn asked if fans were finding ways to let the studio and the network know that they support the writers. I told her that SPN fans are awesome at letter writing campaigns and that it would be our next priority. (Turns out spn_postcards is already on the ball, so go join the community if you want to help.) She asked if we were all from one site. I told her about the SPN LJ community and Supernatural Underground. I also told them all about broader fandom coalitions like fans4writers.org.

Sera, Ben, and I walked across Olive Avenue with the other protesters and talked about Comic Con. I explained that I was in the second row and that I couldn't imagine what it must have been like to be on the receiving end of that many flash bulbs. Sera said it was actually kind of awesome sitting next to Jensen because she got a real taste for what it must be like to be as adored and famous as he is. I told Ben how much I enjoyed the last few episodes, "Bad Day at Black Rock" especially. He was very appreciative and cute in his green sunglasses. I told them all how much I have been enjoying morally grey Sammy. Cathryn said that she has been having a lot of fun writing him. (I didn't know at the time that Sera and Cathryn were the lead writers on "Bedtime Stories" or I would have gushed more.)

I left them to deliver the granola bars to the official food table and got sidetracked talking to other people and admiring Ed Helms from afar. People kept saying how awesome it was that fans were showing their support. It made them really emotional actually and they wanted to make sure that I spread the word that everyone is welcome on the picket line. Sera came over to where I was standing to thank me again and gave me another hug. (Seriously, could she be any more awesome?) She said they would probably be at FOX with everyone else tomorrow and back at Warner next week. Everyone waved goodbye, Ben Edlund shook my hand, and they were gone.

So who is near Burbank and wants to go with me next week? (Or instead of me.) I think we should do fruit again. They also ran out of milk/fake creamer for coffee and napkins, so stuff like that would probably be appreciated too. I will be at the big rally at FOX tomorrow if anyone wants to carpool/meet up. But I won't be delivering anything from fans. Just me and devidarkwolf and my sign.
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