I guess at a certain stage you realise that things cant always remain the same even if you want it to. Be it friendships, relationships, career paths or just life. Things are constantly changing and we cant stop time, we have to keep moving with the changes and keep chasing something new, to keep living.
Don't tell me you do all these I never ever told you to & I told you not to. Don't tell me what you did last time cause I m looking at now when I need you the most. Don't tell me you can't talk to me when you don't fucking try to
Sometimes I wish I have someone to always go to. But then I realise the only person is yourself. But then again you also change so how do you find the in between. Who will always accept you for your flaws and weaknesses? God?
Need to re evaluate my goals in life. Not achieving as much as I want to, feeling sucky about it about me. Don't wanna be average, need work harder faster smarter better. To better years of life
We see each other so little and yet so hurtful motherfucking cb fuck you la I be nice also wrong adapt also wrong positive also wrong negative also wrong. I'm your fucking mistake fucking deal with it la cb hide hide hide that's why I also hide timid fuck. Fucking learn from you you suck that's why I suck, fuck you