Title: Living Dead
superkappaRating: PG
Challenge: "I always thought that if none of your family or friends knew you were dead, then it's like not really being dead. People can invent the best and the worst for you." - Celine, from the film Before Sunrise
Summary: Sylar fakes his and Elle’s deaths. AU from 3x11 on.
Author’s Note: Written for
sylelle_100 He fakes her death easily enough, making it look like he killed on the beach. Instead, it’s another blond, a body he burns away. He hides her away and looks for his answers. When he gets them he fakes his own death too. The Petrellis’ aren’t his family and he’s finally free now. He returns to their hiding place, and now they can finally have what they wanted before. A life free of parents or expectations. They can do whatever they want, together. Of course, that’s only until someone figures out they’re alive. But it’ll be fun while it lasts.