-Chandra's videos still piss me off. SYLAR WAS FUCKING PATIENT ZERO.
-God, Hiro is like a whiny puppy. "COME OOONNNN. PAAAAYYYY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEE"
-Aww, Gretchen moved across campus.
-LYLE :(((
-Why is Sandra coming all the way from California for dinner? Does she even live in California anymore?
-Ugh. Not!Elle pisses me off so much.
-Primatech burnt down, it didn't explode.
-Peter is watching Sylathan sleep. One of the less creepy things to happen on this show.
-Oh Angela. This is not the time for a meal.
-Angela is a good liar, thinks on her feet, I've gotta give her credit for that.
-I love Peter calling her on her shit.
-"Dad, I'm a lesbian" "I know, Claire" Wait, that's not what she wants to talk about?
-Ms. Lovegood and Mr. Muggles. I see what you did there, Heroes, with the Harry Potter dog name theme.
-Man, Lydia flirts with everyone. I wonder who would win in a flirt off, her or Elle. Man, that'd be hot....
-Lydia and Hiro are like watching a really awkward porn or something. It's just weird.
-Ugh. More time travel. Cause this always goes well.
-Angela, you don't have a leg to stand on, I don't feel bad for you.
-How the fuck can she really convince herself that's the same? Angela once again proves what a fucked up mother she is.
-Sylathan agrees with me.
-God, Doug is such a fucking tool. Sandra deserves better. :(
-Lauren is clearly making Sandra unhappy, and kind of rightfully so.
-Claire tells everyone she's thinking of dropping out of college. I wonder if it's going to go like this for my Thanksgiving...
-Samuel does not approve of Lydia thinking for herself.
-I thought so. Samuel is going to kill Joseph. Cain and Abel sort of thing going on.
-Oh no, Samuel accidently killed his brother and we're supposed to feel bad for him. This worked so much better with SYlar and Virginia in "The Hard Part".
-I like how Noah calles it a "Realtionship" he ships her and Gretechen.
-Poor Sandra, always in the dark.
-Okay, Not!Elle made me laugh with he reaction to Claire slicing her hand open, I'll give her that.
-God, all Hiro cares about is Charlie. He used to be about the principle of being a hero. What happened to that?
-Lauren trying to explain Bennet's motives to Sandra just rubs me the wrong way.
-Aww, Gretchen arrives and she and Claire have a moment.
-Angela, the only pie Sylathan wants is Peach.
-Elle is sick of this bullshit and helps her boyfriend come back. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. My fangirl heart refuses to believe other reasons why electricity has started to define him almost as much as telekensis, if nt more.
-God, what's happened to Hiro? Seriously?
-"You have a soul?" Man, I love Peter.
-Okay, I'm going to assume that kiss was like...a kiss of death thing. Because Sylar kissing Angela? Yeah...just creepy.
-That's convient, Nathan comes back just in time so Angela doesn't die.
-I knew HRG was the one who invited Gretchen.
-Awww, Gretchen. They warm my heart.
-A heroes Roadtrip not involving Sylar? I'm surprised. Yay Glaire roadtrip!
-Seriously Gretchen. Stop being so adorable. I can't handle it.
-God Hiro, I just don't care anymore.