Maxis Taste Dare 24: My Inner Beast

Oct 19, 2011 20:22

Hello there! It's time for another  maxis taste dare! This time, it's monster/creature themed - so one of the premades gets to be made over into some kind of beast. I picked vampires because, hey, they're not overdone at all! ;D No, vampires were just the first creature that came to mind.

Anyway! Enough intro, more vamps!

Everyone loved Ripp Grunt. And Ripp Grunt had an annoying habit of making sure all of his friends were aware of this fact. He insisted that there wasn't a woman alive who could resist him. Ophelia didn't bother pointing out the fact she was with Johnny and not Ripp, and wasn't attracted to Ripp.

A woman that was attracted to Ripp was Johnny's sister, Jill Smith. She couldn't remember a time when she didn't have a crush on the rebellious friend of her older brother.

Unluckily for Jill, the fact she was Ripp's best friend's sister meant everyone still saw her as a little girl. An adorable and innocent young girl who still played with dolls and cooked with mother, not a grown woman who paid her own rent and went out drinking on the weekends.

If Jill was going to prove she was more that a girl, she would need a plan.

And Jill had spent most of her college years working on her plan.

Her plan always began the same way - in an alleyway. Ripp liked to get home as quick as possible after a night out, and had never cared much for the so-called rules of staying safe. Ripp would take the back alleys back to his apartment, simply because it cut the journey time in half.

So Ripp would be walking down the alleyway, all alone.

And that's when he would spot her, up ahead, in the alleyway. He'd be confused - he wouldn't expect Jill out alone at night, let alone in a 'dangerous' back alley.

But then as he got closer, he'd see her properly...

Jill had spent hours thinking about what she would look like that night in the alleyway - clothes, hair, make-up, all planned to the finest detail. She needed to look striking, and memorable. She wouldn't want Ripp to forget the night he found her in an alley.

"Jill, you are looking hot!" He would say. Jill would grin and try not to blush.

That would be the most difficult part of the conversation with Ripp. Jill would bite her lip, and say the words she's memorised, "Took you long enough to notice."

Ripp would still be taking in her appearance, she knew that, and would argue, "I don't remember you looking this hot before."

"It's because I'm Johnny's baby sister."

"Clearly, you are no baby," Ripp would argue, and possibly grin. Ripp's reactions to her appearance and her speech were the hardest part of the plan, because he might not follow the script she had developed in her head. What then?

She'd get his attention somehow. And she'd keep his attention, too. He would realise how much time he had wasted, thinking of her as the innocent baby, and then...

...then what?

Would he grin and then kiss her? Or was that just the type of thing that happened in the movies? Luckily, Jill had decided what she would do, given the chance.

She would have to become a creature of the night. She'd grown up with the media declaring that vampires were hot, and surely that would grab Ripp's attention...

...and if it didn't make her more attractive to him, she was sure the fangs would hold his attention.

That was all she wanted, really. Ripp's attention.

She would make sure he never forgot about her. After that, Jill's plan turned into a series of daydreams as she continued to watch Ripp from afar, waiting for the day she could use her ideas.

* * * *

I know, it was pretty short. I was just going to do the makeover and be done with it, but Ripp showed up as well, and it was just too good to ignore. xD Anyway, the actual makeover:

I forgot to take "Before" pics, so you can only have the "After" pics. Sorry about that. But I think Jill makes a great Vampire! I'm definitely keeping her as a vamp in my Megahood xD

Also, one last thing:

Jill and Ripp very much enjoyed this opportunity to work together. Thanks to ACR for starting that off.

Anyway. Thanks for reading, hopefully it's all okay. If it's not, let me know and I'll try the dare again :)

strangetown, maxis taste

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