Dare #24: My Inner Beast

Oct 05, 2011 10:15

This challenge is going to have two options for you to choose.
You can makeover a sim, or a lot (or both if you wish)


Your are going to transform a premade sim into a MONSTER!

It can be any premade sim, preferentially a controllable one (you can age up/down sims too), but you can use known townies and NPC too (except bigfoot and any other sims who's already a vampire, alien, plantsim etc)

You can use the in game features/creatures (vampires, zombies, etc) OR any kind of CC including skins and eyes! (any color, any style)

The only thing you can NOT change are the facial features of your chosen sim, meaning NO plastic surgery and/or face modifying in CAS or Bodyshop.

You can use any kind of makeup, accessories, mask, etc and any kid of skin/eyes/hairs too. It doesn't matter if the skin somewhat alters the face as long as you don't alter it with surgery or modifiers.

You can makeover as many sims as you want, and post your entry in any way you want too, as long as we have a picture of the sim before and after the makeover. Create a picspam, tells us story, or just simply take a few shots in CAS/BS. It doesn't matter. Just have fun, and go WILD!!  ;)

Remember we have a long list of controllable sims for downloads ( here and here) if you want to use any of them.


You are going to transform a premade lot into a HAUNTED HOUSE! (as in a scary house, it doesn't have to be a "haunted house" like in a entertainment park)

I'll be giving you three lots for download, but you can use any premade  lot (residential or commercial). Try to use well known lots if possible, though, like the ones that come with families, or downtown, for example, so the are easy to recognize for everyone.

You can use any CC/style and change doors, windows, wall coverings, fences at will, BUT you can NOT move/change/add/replace WALLS (or half-walls) at all. You can however use any kind of cc that may give the effect of broken/down walls or arches, etc. Anything you want. Just DON'T alter the position of the walls indoors or outside. The only exception would be using stair-walls (like these) that only cover the stairs, so they don't add or alter the spaces inside the house.

You can transform as many lots as you want and post you entry in any way you want too, as long as you include at least one picture of the house from outside before, and a few pictures (not minimum, or maximum, but make sure we can see the whole transformation well) of the interior and exterior after the makeover.

Download Lots: (the lots are clean, with no graves, and mostly w/o furniture)
Goth Mansion
House Of Fallen Trees
Beakers House (we used this in a dare a couple of years ago too, but we didn't have much entries then, so I'm posting it again)

Any problems with the DL or houses, please let me know, but remember you can use any lot. I'm just giving you these ones for easy dl (and I thought they were good options for the theme)

You have all the month of October to work on this challenge.
Any doubt, please don't hesitate to ask.

NOTE: The due is now NOV. 4.

Have FUN!!!  :D

dare#024, dare info, downloads, lots

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